Chapter 32

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Tony's P.O.V.

   Neither [Y/N] or Loki had come out of her room yet and it was making me anxious. If he lays even a finger on her, I swear- That's when [Y/N] came crawling in on all fours, singing her spy theme song. Loki strolled in behind her. I chuckled. She somersaulted over to me and then climbed up onto the counter.

   "Is this a normal occurrence for her to perform?" Loki questioned. I shrugged.

   "Yeah. Except by now Pe-" He was cut off by Peter crawling in on the ceiling. She gave him a curt nod.

   "Parker." She greeted coldly. He gave a nod in return.

   "Stark." He replied. Then Emma flew in, her suit's boots on. [Y/N] and Peter both turned to look at her.

   "Rogers." They said in unison. By this time Loki looked baffled. I loved it.

   "Stark. Parker." Emma said, dipping her head to each in turn. They did this a lot. It wasn't new. It was cute that [Y/N] was 21 yet she still did this. I couldn't blame her. She missed out on a bit of her childhood. That's when Peter dropped from the ceiling and landed on top of [Y/N], bowling her off the counter and onto the floor. She squeaked in surprise. I chuckled while Emma full on laughed. Then I remembered my news.

   "Oh, [Y/N]," I began. She looked up at me as Peter lay across her stomach.

   "Yessss?" She asked, drawing out the s. Peter giggled.

   "Fury's coming to meet you." I told her. I watched as her face dropped. She pushed Peter off and stood up.

   "Fury? Nick Fury?" She questioned. I nodded. Her eyes widened and she shook her head rapidly. "No. Tell him not to. I don't want to meet him." I walked over and rested a hand on her shoulder.

   "It'll be okay." I tried to reassure her. She shook her head.

   "No it won't." She clenched her fists. "Does he know what I've done? Does he know who I am?" I nodded.

   "He knows, [Y/N]." I told her regrettably. "He knows."

   "No. Nobody can know." She insisted.

   "Know what?" Peter asked. Emma elbowed him in the stomach and gave him a look. "Ohhhh. That." [Y/N] rubbed her arm uncomfortably. Loki walked to her and held her hand in reassurance. She looked up at him and nodded.

   "Sir." Jarvis spoke up. "Director Fury is at the door." I gave the okay for him to be let in. When I looked back at [Y/N] she had somehow changed into her suit. Her wings unfurled from her back, making her look majestic. Loki changed his appearance so that he looked like Clint.

   "I'll be with you the whole time." He told her. She nodded. I took a deep breath. Hopefully Fury won't be too hard on her and we'll get through this.

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