Chapter 3

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Unknown P.O.V.

   They took them... How curious. They won't know how to handle them like I do. I'll just have to help them out.

Natasha's P.O.V

   [Y/N] was still asleep by the time we reached the Avengers Tower(yea, they have the tower). Honestly, I didn't blame them. The poor thing must've been through so much. Their wings were quite a shock. I didn't feel like waking them up so I picked them up and carried them off the ship. I stepped onto the balcony and carried them inside. It was when I stumbled slightly, as I carried them down the steps, that caused them to wake up with a gasp.

   Their wings furled out of their back and they flew up near the ceiling. I took a small step back. Fear can make someone powerful, and we have no idea what [Y/N] is capable of.

   "Hey, hey, hey." I said, putting my hands up. "It's okay. You're not going to be hurt anymore." They looked at me uneasily, but slowly lowered themself to the ground. "Good, good." I put my hands down.

   "Am I going to be put in a cell?" They asked weakly. Their [e/c] eyes searched my face. I was going to answer when Tony walked in, by this time he had taken his suit off.

   "Of course not. We'll give you a room of your own. You're not a prisoner here, we want you to be one of us." He explained. Their eyes grew wide.

   "You want me... to be one of you?" Their voice paused halfway through their sentence. Tony grinned.

   "Of course we do! We've heard you're pretty powerful." I swear I saw a look of fear flash across their face. Tony noticed too. "We won't force you, but we would like you to consider it." He slung his arm over their shoulders and I could see them tense up. After a moment, they untensed. Tony stuck his tongue out at Bucky, who was now behind me with Steve.

   "Real mature." I laughed. Bucky rolled his eyes. Steve came to stand beside me.

   "Now old are you, kid?" He asked.

   "Around 17, sir, I think." They responded. He nodded thoughtfully. I think we could all tell they were older than seventeen, but we had no real idea how long they had been kept captive, and they probably didn't either. It was safe to assume they didn't have a great concept of time.

   "I'll show you to your room." I told them, "Then later I'll introduce you to the others." They nodded slowly. I led them to the floor with their room on it. I showed them inside. They walked in cautiously and sat down on the bed. "Now [Y/N], I'm going to lock the door behind me, but it's for your own safety. You are not a prisoner and if you need anything, anything at all, call out to Jarvis. One of us will come immediately." They looked apprehensive about the idea but nodded anyway. With that, I closed and locked the door. I had to discuss [Y/N] with the others. They'll be a great asset to us.

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