Chapter 8

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   I cried. It felt so good to cry. It felt so good for someone to be there for me while I was crying. He was there. We were both on the ground, kneeling. His arms wrapped around me. I felt safe. Huh. That's new. I haven't felt safe since... I guess when I was 7. Huh.

   "Are you alright now, dear?" He asked. His voice was soft. I nodded. I didn't quite think I was but I nodded anyway. "I am sorry that upset you."

   "It's ok. You didn't mean to." I reassured him. Silence followed. I felt his hold on me fade away. I looked and he was gone. "When will you tell me your name?" I asked quietly. No answer. I looked down at the ground. I closed my eyes. Think [Y/N]. Think.

   My eyes shot open when I heard screaming. So many screams. Screams of women and men. Grownups and children. Everyone was screaming.

   "Please stop!" I yelled. "Stop screaming! I'll find you and help you!" Then the screaming stopped. There was only silence. Then another scream broke out. Only one, but it sounded so familiar.

   "This is what happens when you don't do what you're told!!" A deep, gruff voice boomed. It sent shivers down my spine and chilled me to my core. I began to cry. I wasn't quite sure why I was crying. All I knew is that I had done something awful that could never be forgiven. I stood up and began to run. I ran and ran and ran but nothing came. There was only darkness.

   "Someone please help me!" I screamed. "Please! Anyone!" Mist swirled around me. I kept tripping over things. I couldn't see what they were. I couldn't fly. My wings were there but they wouldn't work.

   "Get back here, you ungrateful bitch!" The voice boomed. I kept running. I knew that I had met this man before but I couldn't place him. All I knew is that he would hurt me. Maybe kill me.

    "[Y/N]..." The voice taunted. "I'm gaining on you..."

   "No!!" I screamed. "Stay away from me!" A gunshot echoed through the air. More followed it. Pain seized my arm. I shrieked but kept running.

   "[Y/N]." The voice said again. Closer this time. I wouldn't let him catch me. I couldn't. Oh Gods.

   "[Y/N]!"The voice yelled, even louder. I felt a hand grip onto my shoulder. I screamed and tried to tear away, but I couldn't.

   "Love, wake up!" That was him. Not the bad man, but the one I found comfort in. I opened my eyes and sat up with a gasp. He hugged me. He hugged me tightly. One of his hands held my head, holding me close to him. I let my chin rest on his shoulder. My breath came and went shakily. He sighed. "Loki. My name... is Loki."

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