Chapter 31

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   I woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around me. They were a little cold, but comforting. I snuggled into Loki's chest. After a while I decided I should get up. I slid out of Loki's grasp and sat up. I pulled the blankets back and immediately regretted it. The cold air hit my legs and made me get goosebumps. I had forgotten that I was only wearing my sweatshirt and underwear.

   Then, ya know, I got the most wonderful idea. I looked back at Loki, who was still sleeping, with a smirk on my face. I crawled back over to him and thought about how I would execute my plan. That's when it came to me. I drew my hand along his jawline. I watched him stir. I kissed him softly before pulling away.

   "Sorry but I really had to wake you." I sang softly. Yes. I decided to wake him up with a song from Heathers. Mischief sparkle in his eyes. Shit. The next thing I knew he was on top of me, his legs straddling my sides. He pinned my hands above my head, smirking like only he could. He leaned down and kissed me strongly. When he pulled away he leaned down to my ear.

   "See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you." He whispered in somewhere a growl or singing. It sent shivers down my spine. He released my wrists and got off. I couldn't help but laugh. He chuckled as he stood up, getting out of bed. I stood up on the bed and jumped down. It caused the floor to shake. I heard Peter shriek.

   "God damnit, [Y/N]!!" He yelled after a few moments. I laughed while Loki gave me a confused look.

   "What was that about?" He asked as he magically changed his clothes. I began looking through my drawers for a pair of pants.

   "Well, Peter's room is under mine. He has this light that hanging on his ceiling. If I shake the floor hard enough, it falls on him while he's sleeping." I explained. "Gotcha." I mumbled as I pulled out a pair of black leggins and slipped them on. Loki smiled.

   "Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" He asked. I tapped my chin with my finger as I pretended to think.

   "I don't think you have." I said slowly. I walked over to him and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

   "Well," He began, "I love you very, very much, [Y/N]." I smiled and gave him a light peck on the lips.

   "Let's go out before Tony gets his tits in a bunch." He gave me a confused as hell look but nodded slowly. I kicked the door open and made an explosion sound before jumping out, leaving Loki to facepalm behind me. I know I'm childish. Don't judge me.

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