Chapter 26

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   My dreams were awful. Weird and messed up. Darkness enclosed me, and Loki's voice taunted me everywhere I went. Telling me that he never loved me. That he only wanted my power. Eventually I just stopped trying to run. I fell to my knees and cried. Then something cold pressed against my cheek, wiping my tears. I couldn't see what it was.

   "This is only a dream, my dear." Came his voice. Loki. "That is not me yelling at you. It is your own mind toying with you. Take my hand. I'll help you." Even after he had just up and left me, I immediately trusted him. I reached out until I felt his chilling hand take mine. He pulled me to my feet and began taking me somewhere. Then we stopped. The darkness began to fade and I could see. Loki stood in front of me. New tears filled my eyes and I hugged him as tight as I possibly could.

   "Hello, love." He whispered. I buried my face into his chest and cried. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. After a little bit I pulled away to get a good look at him. He looked terrible. There were deep, dark circles under his eyes. He wore a green shirt that had been ripped and torn along with black trousers. His hair was messy and strewn about his face. Yet his eyes were still the same. They were still beautifully blue, but something about them seemed duller.

   "Dear gods." I whispered. "What happened to you?" He shook his head.

   "It doesn't matter." He told me. "Listen, love. I would never intentionally leave you. You understand that, don't you?" I nodded. "I'm trying to get back, I swear. I love you, [Y/N]. I love you." He began to fade away. I hugged him and held onto him.

   "No Loki! Please! Don't leave me again!" I begged. I held him tighter, as if that might keep him with me. "Please!" Tears ran down my face. He kissed the top of my head and then he was gone...

   I woke up suddenly. I sat straight up. I looked around the room, hoping Loki would be there. He wasn't. My head throbbed and I felt incredibly dizzy. I guess that's my own fault. I pushed myself out of bed and left my room. I didn't bother getting dressed. Something edged me forward. Something told me, no hoped, that Loki was here. I searched everywhere. But he wasn't. So I went back to my room. I got dressed and put on my coat.

   I went up onto the roof. The cold air made me calm. It reminded me of Loki. Everything reminded me of Loki. How cold he always was. How he would hold me close to him. I remember when he told me that he had been adopted into Thor's family. That his kind where monsters that parents would tell their children about. That what happened in New York wasn't his fault.

   My dream came back to me. I hated it. Because I had had ones like them almost every night since he left. Where he said he was sorry and that he was trying to get back. Yet here we were. A year later and he still wasn't back. I hoped he would come back. I prayed and I dreamed and I hoped. But deep down, I think I knew he was never coming back. And it killed me inside. But I knew it somewhere inside me.

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