Chapter 22

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Tony's P.O.V.

   We were heading back to the tower it was a false alarm. We had gotten a tip for where to find the Hydra headquarters. It hadn't come through. So now we were on our way back. I had sent Emma and Peter to spend the day with Rhodey just in case. Then my helmet buzzed.

   "Sir," came Jarvis's voice, "[Y/N] has broken out of her cell." I stayed silent for a few moments.

   "She what?" I asked in disbelief. "Show me the footage." The security footage popped up in front of my eyes and I watched in shock. "Send this to the people on the ship." Steve better see this. Bucky was right.

    "I told you guys." Bucky's gloated through the coms. I rolled my eyes.

   "Let's just get back." suggested Steve. I nodded. Then I remembered they couldn't see me.

   "Yeah. Let's." I agreed.

   "She's probably with Loki." Thor spoke up. I groaned.

   "Let's get back now." I growled as I put on speed.

   "Now." Bucky said. We got home moderately quickly. I had gotten kinda close to [Y/N] in the past week. Maybe I felt like some sort of mentor to her. I kinda felt the same way to her as I did to Emma and Peter, and I was their... dad... So did I feel like a father figure to [Y/N]? I suppose...

   "Jarvis, where's [Y/N]?" I asked while my suit came off.

   "I believe she is in the lounge, sir." He answered. I went to the lounge and found [Y/N]. With stupid, stuck up Loki. They both were laying on the couch. His arms were wrapped around her, her head laying on his chest. She was definitely asleep. But Loki was not. He raised his head and looked at me.

   "Stark." He said softly, glancing down at [Y/N]. In an instant he was in front of me, holding her bridal style in his arms. "Are you going to take her." I nodded. He carefully handed her to me. I never thought of Loki at gental, but that's how he seemed now. He turned and began to walk off while I took [Y/N] back to her cell.

Thor's P.O.V.

   I grabbed Loki as he began to walk away and pulled him off to the side. His expression changed immediately from what it had been with [Y/N]. It went from almost soft, to cold and isolated.

   "What are you playing at with [Y/N], brother?" I asked accusingly. "You have never acted like that toward anyone you have ever met." He glared at me.

   "Have you thought of the possibility that it is because she's the only being who has ever looked at me like I was more than just a monster?" He asked harshly. "Because she's been more of a family to me than you or father ever were." With that he pushed away and walked off.

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