Chapter 19

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   I woke up with a gasping breath and gripped at my chest. Dead. I wasn't dead. Tony. Where's Tony? Is he ok?! I looked around but I didn't see him. I was in some sort of round, glass, circle thing with a white floor. It wasn't small. It was a good sized place. The walls were all glass and round. I was on a cot like bed."

   "Hey hey. Lay back down. You need to rest, my dear." I looked over to see Loki standing outside the glass. "You put a lot of strain on yourself, but I'm glad to see you're awake." I pressed my hand to the glass.

   "What happened? Where's Tony? Is he okay? Please tell me he's alright. I didn't mean to hurt him." I tried to search his face for an answer. He sighed.

   "Love, listen to me closely. Stark is alright. You saved him, brought him back to life." He told me gently. "But, because you attacked him, they have put you into this cell." I stared at him. I tried to stand but my legs buckled under me and I collapsed to the floor. Loki teleported inside and helped me up. I held onto him. He set me back onto the bed.

   "Darling, you're covered in blood." He noted as he looked me over. I looked down. I was. My shirt and pants were stiff with dry blood. "Alright. Grab a blanket and cover yourself."

   "Why?" I asked in confusion. He rolled his eyes.

   "Because when I snap my fingers your clothes will be gone, so you can choose if you're going to cover yourself or if I get to see you exposed. I would much rather the second option." He said with a smirk. I thought for a moment then grabbed the blanket from beside me and covered my body. "Pity." Then he snapped his fingers. I could feel the change immediately. It was a lot colder. I looked at him to see him holding my shirt and pants.

   "Natasha is going to come in and give you some clothes to wear." He teleported back outside of the glass. "I'll be back whenever I can. Ok?" I nodded. He began to leave.

   "Loki wait!" I called. He stopped and turned back to me. "How long have I been asleep?" He looked like he was hesitating. "How long?" He sighed.

   "A little over a month." He admitted. I stared at him in shock. Then he left. I snuggled under the blanket and squeezed my eyes shut. Over a month. It couldn't be. How could I have been asleep for over a month? I sighed. Pulled the blanket over my head. After a few minutes, I heard someone come in.

   "Hey." Came Nat's voice. "You're finally awake." I poked my head out from under the blankets. She waved at me, holding up a grey shirt and black leggings. "I brought you some clothes. I heard Loki took your bloody ones." I nodded. She opened the door and came in making sure she shut it behind her. She handed me the clothes and turned around. I got dressed, managing to stay under the blanket while I did so. I then set it down.

   "I didn't mean to hurt Tony." I told her. She turned around.

   "But you did. You stabbed him and he almost died." She stated bluntly. I glared at her. I stood up, actually being able to stand again.

   "I know that I am dangerous." I growled, walking towards her. "You can keep me locked up, chained up, do everything in your power to hold me. But I don't have any control over that side of me and if nothing changes, I will kill again." Her eyes studied my face.

   "Tony wants to talk to you." She finally said. Then she walked out and left.

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