Chapter 10

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Steve's P.O.V.

   [Y/N] seems like a nice person so far. Definitely been through some really hard stuff. I sat on the couch beside Tony and Bucky.

   "So Buck," I began, "you said you'd tell us more about [Y/N] later. It's later." Bucky nodded.

   "Where to begin..." He pondered. "I met them in Hydra. Other than their wings, they have the ability to heal themself and others." Tony nodded. "There's something else, too. Something even they don't know about." Bucky paused, "When they lose their temper... there's something in them. It makes them kill. They've killed so many. Thousands. But they never remember. When Hydra has them under they can't remember a thing." I nodded slowly. Tony seemed to be processing it.

   "Will they kill any of us?" I asked. Bucky shrugged.

   "It honestly depends." He admitted. "If Hydra is done with them, then probably not. There's also one more thing you should know. [Y/N]-"


Thor's P.O.V.

   Stark told me they had recruited a new avenger so I was going to see. Plus Loki was sighted causing trouble.

*A little later*

   Loki gave up without too much of a fight. That's strange. Maybe it's because he hasn't seen me in a while. At least he hasn't stabbed me yet. When we got to the tower, Jarvis let me in. Tony greeted us.

   "Point break! You brought in reindeer games! Nice." Stark greeted as he patted me on the back. I nodded.

   "Yes. I was on my way to greet your newest avenger when I noticed him causing trouble." I informed him.

   "So should we keep him in custody for a while?" Stark asked as I handed Loki over. He nodded.

   "Jarvis, please call [Y/N] down." He called out. I could see Loki visibly smirk.

   "You mean that lovely, powerful, new thing who you just recruited. I rather enjoy them. They're easy to charm." He said, the smirk audible in his voice. Stark glared at him.

   "What the hell do you know about them?!" Stark snapped.

   "More than you." Loki responded. At that moment, a person, whom I assumed was [Y/N], walked into the room. Their entire face lit up the second they saw Loki.

   "Loki!" They chirped as they ran over. They hugged my brother and he returned their hug.

   "Hello, love." He leered, smirking. Stark looked like he was going to go ballistic.

   "What the hell?!" He basically screamed.

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