Chapter 9

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   "Loki?" I asked quietly. I didn't want anyone to hear me talking to him. Something told me that if they did, it wouldn't be good. He looked down at me. I was sitting on the floor while he stood above me.

   "Yes, my dear?" He asked.

   "What's your body count?" I asked, looking up at him. "How many people have you killed?" He looked away from me.

   "A lot." He answered bluntly. I nodded.

   "As many as me?" I was afraid of the answer.

   "Nothing near as many as you, my dear." He responded. I looked down and nodded. Silence. Anger bubbled inside me. How could he be so cruel at times? Then something hit me. I wasn't sure what planted the thought in my head but I was sure it was true.

   "You're not actually here, are you?" He angled my chin up towards him.

   "No, my little pet, I'm not." I blinked a few times.

   "You... Pet? Did you call me your pet?" I stood up and pointed my finger at him accusingly. He chuckled. The next second he was gone.

   "I think we both know that I did." I laughed lightly. Silence followed. "Yes." Loki spoke after a while. "I'll come for real." My eyes grew wide and I spun around to face him.

   "Really?!" I squeaked. He chuckled and nodded.

   "Yes. And you're getting better at recognizing my moves." I beamed. "But things may not exactly go as you planned." I shook my head, not caring, and hugged him. He seemed shocked, but, after a moment or two, he hugged back.

    "If you aren't here, how can I hug you?" I asked him quizzically.

   "It's what I like to call a clone, dear." He told me with a chuckle.

   "So when are you coming?" I pulled out of the hug and fell back onto my bed.

   "I'll be there as soon as possible. I'm a bit busy at the moment." He responded. "But for now, you go to sleep." I sat up as he began to fade.

   "Wait! Loki, please." He stopped. "Please don't leave yet. I don't want to be alone while I sleep." He looked like he was pondering for a moment.

   "Yes, pet. I'll stay."

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