Chapter 21

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   It had about a week since I woke up. It honestly wasn't that bad being stuck in here. Peter and Emma came in to keep me company a lot. Sometimes I would talk to Jarvis. Turns out it's more like a Jarvis 2.0 since the first Jarvis was put into some sort of robot person. Tony or Loki would come in and help me whenever I had nightmares. Yeah. Those still happen.

   At the moment I was just hovering around the ceiling. I think they went on a mission or something 'cause no one was here. I carefully set myself back onto the ground and walked over to the door. I pressed hand to it and shut my eyes. A sensation of pain began to fill me and my hands started to burn. Something told me not to stop. That I would learn something if I kept going. So I did. The sound of glass shattering filled my ears.

   I opened my eyes to watch the glass fall around me. I stepped through the doorway. I smiled smugly to myself. The glass crunched and cracked under my feet as I walked on it.

   "[Y/N]," Jarvis spoke, "I would advise you to get back in your cell." I shook my head and looked back at the cell.

   "I'm just gonna walk around for a bit while no one's here." I told him. "When they come back I'll get back in."

   "I will have to contact Mister Stark about this." He said, before going quiet. I shrugged and began to walk around humming Without Me by Halsey. I did a small spin. The small spin turned into a full dance choreography I had come up with while in my cell. Unfortunately for me I had been stuck in a cell for over a month and didn't know there was a small flight of stairs, which consisted of three stairs. So I fell.

   Before I hit the floor, an arm wrapped around my waist and stopped me. I looked up and met icey blue eyes. Loki. A smirk graced his lips. I blushed. He pulled my body closer and connected our lips. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. He pulled away after a moment.

   "I loved your dancing, pet." He commented. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that krept it's way onto my features.

   "I told you not to call me that..." I muttered, my blush deepening. He stood me up and took my hand, spinning me around.

   "Though, it definitely would have been better if you were dancing with me." Proposed Loki as he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled.

   "Hmmm..." I tapped my finger on my chin. "I think that could be arranged." He twirled me out, not letting go of my hand. He smirked. I looked down at myself to see that I was now wearing an emerald green dress(dress pictured above). It fanned out when I twirled.

   "That color rather suits you, my dear." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my hand on his shoulders. We swayed softly, as if there was music playing.

   "Then you have good taste." I responded. He smiled. He looked happy. It was wonderful. That became my goal. To make him happy. He seemed damaged. He delicately kissed my forehead.

   "I will always be here for you." He looked down at me. "I swear to you." I moved my hands from his shoulders.

   "Thank you, Loki." I whispered. He pulled me closer and my head rested against his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart.

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