Chapter 5

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Tony's P.O.V.

   I got to [Y/N]'s room as fast as I could. Unlocking the door, I pushed it open. They were just laying on their bed. They sat up when I came in, gazing at me in curiosity as well as some underlying fear.

   "Mister Stark?" they asked, "Is something wrong?" I scanned the room. Nothing seemed out of place at all. Then my eyes landed on them. Their cuts, their wounds, were healed. Nothing remained but their scabs.

   "You..." I gaped, trying to process the impossibility before me, "your wounds... They're healed...!" Their eyes widened, flicking from me to their scabs and back.

   "O-oh yeah. I... I can do that." they confided. I grinned from ear to ear.

   "The team is going to love you." I told them. They looked away, a look that was difficult to read crossing their face.

   "You think so?" they asked. I nodded.

   "I know so." I told them, sitting down on the bed beside them. "Clint is always getting hurt so I'm pretty sure he'll adore you." I stood up and took their hand, pulling them up too. "Now let's go introduce you to the others."

Emma's P.O.V. (I'll explain)

   Being the adopted daughter of Stony, that's the ship name I made up for my dads. Ya know, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Anyway, I love having them as my dads! Dad(Tony) says he'll make me one of his iron suits when I get older, I'm 13 at the moment. It's gonna be blue and silver. Pretty sweet, right? Pops(Steve) is great too. He tells me a bunch of stories from the war and stuff.

    Auntie Nat and Uncle Bucky teach me how to use guns and stuff. Dad and Pops don't really approve. Uncle Bruce helps my with my homework a lot. I really wish I was old enough to go on missions with them, though. It gets lonely being at the tower all alone when they're gone. I know I'm really lucky to be able to live with the avengers, but c'mon.

   Something cool did happen today I guess. Pops said that they're working on recruiting the person they rescued. I wonder what they're like... Do they have a special ability, or are they just good at fighting like Auntie Nat? I wonder if they'll like me. How old are they?

   "Did they really use to be your friend, Uncle Bucky?" I asked, looking up at him. He nodded.

   "Yeah. We helped each other the best we could." He told me. I nodded.

   "How old are they? Are they my age?"

   "They're closer to Peter's age, we think." He told me. I turned when I heard voices coming from the hallway.

   "What if no one likes me? What if they all hate me and..." A voice questioned anxiously. I heard Dad chuckle.

   "I already told you that everyone will love you. Calm down." Yup. That was definitely Dad.

   "But what if-" their voice stopped short when they emerged from the hall and their eyes fell upon all of us. Wait a minute here. They never told me they had wings!!

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