Chapter 18

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   No. No no no. Tony no. I just killed him. No. I would not let another innocent life die at my hands. Not this time.

   "God damn it, Tony." I growled. I held my hand over my arm. Blood, my blood, began to seep out of it. I didn't know how but it did. Right now that didn't matter. I could bring Tony back and I knew it. I knew I would start to heal myself.

   I grabbed Tony's hand and held it over my heart. I faint white glow began illuminating from the cut where the blood originated from. It traveled up my arm and transferred onto Tony. As it covered him a burning sensation hit me in the stomach, where I had stabbed Tony. I could feel his heartbeat throughout my body.

   The pain became excruciating. Whenever I heal someone I have to go through the pain they went through to get those injuries. I could feel myself begin to fade out of consciousness, but I would not stop until Tony was fine.

   With one hand, I kept Tony's hand on my arm. With the other hand, I lifted up his shirt. The stab was almost fully healed. I couldn't take this much longer. I don't think I've ever used this much before. I knew that I was at a risk of dying. But if I stopped now, Tony would die. Just then I heard footsteps. I turned around to see a man standing in the doorway. He wore a blue outfit thing, I don't know my vision was getting fuzzy, a red cape I think, and some sort of necklace.

   "What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled. He took a step towards me. An orange glowy thing circle thing came out of each of his hands. I wouldn't let him stop me. I tried to stand up, making sure I kept a hold on Tony's hand, but couldn't. I fell to my knees. He came closer.

   "Don't move!" I yelled. He froze. I sprouted my wings and glared at him. "Take one more step towards me and Tony will die. I promise you that." The man looked at me for a few moments, then the orange things faded from his hands. I turned back to Tony. The wound was completely healed. The easy part was over. Now I had to transfer his heartbeat back into him.

   "Someone help me..." I whimpered. Agonizing pain drove tears from my eyes. This was it. Now or never. I planted both my hands on Tony's chest and screamed. I used all the power in my body and focused on his heart, guiding his heartbeat back to it. I couldn't see or feel anything. The only thing I could make sense of was his heartbeat.

   That's when it happened. I faltered. My hands broke their connection. The light stopped. I couldn't hear Tony's heart anymore. My vision came back. He still lay on the floor. Still. Dead stil. The man behind me seemed a little bit closer than before.

   "Tony." I whispered. A whisper was all I could get out. I could barely breathe. "I'm so sorry." Then Tony sat up with a gasping breath. Pain shot through me and I could feel my heart seize up. That's the last thing I could remember before everything went dark.

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