Chapter 27

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   I spun around when I heard footsteps behind me. Bucky stood there. Nat, Steve, and Tony stood behind him. Bucky opened his arms and I ran into them. I didn't care how old I got. I always wanted someone to hug me. I rested my head against his shoulder. He rubbed my back. Tony walked up slowly. I looked at him.

   "He's not coming back, [Y/N]." He said gently. That broke me completely. I knew it, but it was even more painful coming from someone else. My legs gave out from under me, Bucky was the only thing that kept from from collapsing to the floor. I felt numb inside. I felt...broken. I didn't notice the tears running down my cheeks.

Bucky's P.O.V.

   [Y/N] began to fall so tightened my grip on her to hold her up. I carefully lowered her down so she was sitting on the floor. Her face was expressionless. Tears fell from her eyes. I wiped them away but it was no use. More replaced them seconds later. I hugged her tightly. It broke my heart to see her like this.

   "I'm sorry, [Y/N]." I said softly. She didn't respond. She didn't even register that I had spoken. "I'm really sorry." Then she seemed to snap. She groaned and reached to her head. I watched as her eyes slowly faded into a distorted version of their own. She gazed around and then stood up.

   "Loki..." She said softly. "Loki, Loki, Loki." Then she chuckled. "Is that all this girl thinks about?" She turned to us. "You really couldn't find anyone more qualified for this job?" Nat pulled her gun off her belt and Tony prepared to call his suit. [Y/N] smiled, almost wickedly, as she shook her finger at Nat.

   "Nuh uh uh, Agent Romanoff." She said, amusement seeping into her voice. "And don't even think about it, Stark. Remember, this is still [Y/N]'s body. If you injure it, that's her you're hurting, not us. That's all for now. Ta ta." With that, [Y/N]'s eyes returned to they're natural color. Then she screamed, holding her head in her hands.

   "Get out of my head!" She screamed. "Get out!!" She began backing up, looking traumatized. Steve tried getting closer to her.

   "It's okay, [Y/N]. Calm down." He said softly. She shook her head, backing up further.

   "No. No no no." Then she reached the edge. She tipped off and fell backwards. She didn't even scream.

   "Jarvis! Suit!" Tony yelled. His suit formed around his body and he dove over the edge. He flew back up seconds later. "She's gone." Nat's eyes went wide.

   "What?!" I yelled. Tony's mask deformed around his face.

   "No. Not like that." He clarified. "She's just not there. Not even her body. Just gone." Nat's eyes narrowed in curiosity. I suppose she could have flown. Steve rested his hand on his chin.

   "I think you're looking for this." A voice spoke from behind us. Nat pulled out her guns and spun around. Tony formed his arm cannon. Steve turned around quickly, me following short in suit. My eyes widened at the sight. 

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