II. Lady Luck says, Smooth...

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3rd Pov (Ryoma's Side)

As soon as the girl left, Ryoma face palmed, making his senpais look at him.

"You said something you shouldn't have, didn't you." Fuji asked, the youngest sighed and nodded.

"Well, you were surprisingly reacting to every word she says." Oishi said, everyone who were also surprised nodded.

"Wait, she played basketball? And you lost?!" Momo asked as it finally sunk in.

Ryoma sighed as he lazily leant his chin on his left palm, while the other, unconsciously plays the pendant from the necklace that he's wearing.

"Yes, Momo Senpai, Basketball is her Sports so it's a given plus, she used to be the captain of the woman's basketball team in Middle School." Ryoma said.

This earned a surprise gasp from the team apart from the captain and the tensai, though their eyes widened in return.

"Captain?! She must have been great then!" Momo said in amazement.

"what school did she went then?" Inui asked, as he write tap on his tablet, upgrading his Notebook.

"Teiko Middle School." Ryoma answered as he sighed.

"Teiko? As in the School where the Generation of Miracles were from?! THAT TEIKO?!" Momo asked as he stood up rather excitedly.

"You know about them, Senpai?" Ryoma asked in surprise.

"OF COURSE! THEY'RE THE BEST TEAM TEIKO HAD EVER HAD! THEY ARE JUST THE SAME YEAR AS YOU BUT THEY'RE MONSTERS!" Momo said, at his last word, Fuji opened his eyes, remembering the happenings a little while ago.

"So, she knew them then, seeing that they're both from the same sports, and not only that, she is the captain of the equivalent Group." Fuji said.

"The Female's Basketball Team was disbanded at her last year that last thing I heard about her club activities back then was that he was scouted to be a Co-Manager of the Male's Basketball team, Focusing on all Strings most specially on the first strings." Ryoma explained as he leant on his chair and looking somewhere else as if reminiscing something.

"First string?" Eiji questioned.

"It's like the regulars, though in basketball clubs, like teiko who have a vast number of members they are all divided into 3 strings, 3rd strings are the usual club members, 2nd string are the one who are good enough to be chosen to be a regular or as they call it 1st stringer, and the 1st stringers, are the regulars who are always in official games, though they also sometimes get some people from 2nd and 3rd strings too." Momo explained.

"And she was a Captain of that kind of Club?!" Eiji asked in Amazement.

"She's quite skilled, not only because of basketball but she used to play Tennis alongside me when the old man started teaching me." Ryoma relinquished a very surprising information.

"She was taught by the Samurai Nanjirou too?" Fuji asked, this time fully seious.

"Alongside me, but she was taught a couple of days before me." Ryoma said, sighing before deciding to stand up.

"I'll go ahead, knowing her the 1st thing that she will be looking for will be the Basketball Courts- that's if she hasn't seen the Library yet." Ryoma said before leaving his Senpais.

After a couple of minutes of silenced.

"Waah, Ochibi just spoke to us... like really spoke to us!" Eiji said


Yuki's POV

"Hanazakari-san, you're the only one who hadn't chosen any clubs yet, are you not planning to join one?" I sighed as I looked down on my shoes, I was called in the Staff Room, because of this.

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