LIII. Blue-haired Taguro, a red-haired giant, what's next Violet-haired titan?

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Days had passed and we're finally on our last day of training, I woke up early to check everything, it's a good thing I packed my things beforehand, now all I have to do is talk to Captain.

"You sure you don't want to go back with us?" Captain asked as I told him my agenda for today.

"It's only miles away from here, I can just take a bus, I've also already talked to Ryoma about my luggage," I said.

he looked at me for a moment then his eyes moved to look at something behind me, to which I turned, only to see a smugly smiling Ryoma, with his bags.

"I never agreed to bring yours." He said as he joined into our table.


"I'll watch with you," he said, I looked at him in shock.

"WHAT?! WAIT, Pause! Rewind! You what?!" I asked, he rolled his eyes at me.

"What's so surprising about that? I did tell you that I'll be coming with you whenever you wanted to meet them, in this case, you wanted to watch their game, and pretty sure that invisible guy and the red-haired giant will be there too," he said, I raised one of my brows at him at his description.

"1st, blue-haired taguro, and now a red-haired giant, what's next Violet-haired titan?" I asked.

"well, you did tell me before that you're calling someone Titan--"

"what's with you 2 bickering about this early?" We all turned to the one who spoke, It was Coach, great another one to bicker with.

but then again, I can be wrong, he didn't bicker with me when I told him my agenda--



I wanted to wipe the smug smile on Ryoma's face as we walk towards where the game will be after getting down our bus.

I can see a very excited Momo senpai, jumping along with an equally excited Kikumaru senpai, oh dear lord, give more patience with these people.

I heard a chuckle from beside me, only to be surprised at the Tensai chuckling at my expense, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Glad that I gave you entertainment, then," I said, he just chuckled again.

"You said you'll be meeting up with some friends?" Coach asked, I sighed and nodded.

"We can go in first, I'll just save some seats for them," I said as we continued to walk in.

"Woah, The atmosphere is..." Momo Senpai said as we walked to our seats, we left some spaces for the Seirin team, It's a good thing that the 1st game was just about to end.

"This is nothing compared to the atmosphere for the next game," I said as we all finally took our seats.

"Eh? Why Yuki-chan?" Kikumaru senpai asked, but before I even get to answer Ryoma did it for me.

"Because her former teammates are quite well known throughout the whole student basketball league in Japan," Ryoma answered, I nodded in agreement.

"The whole basketball league in Japan?!" Kikumaru and Oishi Senpai asked.

"As we were told they are well known as the Generation of Miracles/ Kiseki No Sedai, we were already knowledgeable of their past, but the team itself is actually very good, and we've already met one of them when Hanazakari-san played with him back then, It's their Ace, Aomine Daiki." Inui senpai said as he looked at something on his tablet.

"YOU CAN FIGHT WITH THEIR ACE YUKI-CHAN?!" Kikumaru and Momo Senpai said in awe, I just rolled my eyes at them.

"So who's going to be playing?" Kawamura Senpai asked.

"The one you all saw; Aomine Daiki and Kise Ryota," I answered.

"Kise Ryota? Sounds familiar..." Kaidoh Senpai muttered, I chuckled.

"He's a model," I said, this seemed to shock most of the team members.

"He's an Idiot." I grinned at that then I turned, finally the Seirin Team's here, I giddily jumped up and ran to Kuroko to hug him, we almost fell but was saved by someone I've never met before... but I can guess who he is, all thanks to his past relationship with Aida-nee, I greeted him with a smile before looking back at Kuroko.

"We saved you the 2 front row seats." I said, he gave me a small smile as he nodded, I then turned to greet Aida-nee and introduced everyone .

"It's nice to finally have a face with the person who threatened me back then," Teppei-Senpai said as he shake hands with me, I sweatdropped at that.

"Well, Someone has to look after my Aida-nee, we can't have someone just charming his way to his heart only to break it," I said, he just chuckled.

"You were pretty threatening though, even now that I can see how small you are," he said, I frowned at him.

"You're just abnormally tall!" I said then went back to my seat.

"Yuki." I looked up from my phone when I was called, only to see all their eyes on me.

"Who do you think will win?" Aida-nee asked, I looked at all of them, they're all waiting for an answer, then my eyes went back to Kuroko.

"What did you tell them?" I asked, he shrugged.

"That Kise never won against Aomine," he answered as a matter of factly, I nodded in agreement.

"He's right, he never did win against that Aho," I said as I let out a sigh.

"I would have answered you all, with an I don't know, there is a possibility of a close game though, especially if Ryota had finally unlocked a specific skill that he had always wanted to master, but winning? a bit too early. As much as I know Ryota had been improving, I also know that Daiki's not downgrading, he's not improving anymore, but his level has always been abnormally high, so my answer to your question, Aida-nee; will be Daiki." I answered.

"You're not saying that just because of your past with him aren't you?" Kikumaru senpai asked teasingly, earning a glare from Ryoma and a smack on the head by Oishi senpai, while the whole Seirin team, exception to Kuroko were all gawking.

"Yeah, Yeah, we dated now bugger off, The teams are coming in," I said, this seemed to work as they all turned to watch the 2 teams that are walking to the court sides.

"He looked excited and warmed up," Ryoma said from beside me, I nodded.

"Of course he is, He'll be playing with another Miracle, which means this is no 'ordinary' trash the opponent game, this also means that he can go more than he usually does," I answered.

"Even Kise-Kun looked fired up," Tetsu said, I hummed in agreement.

"Buckle up then, this will be an interesting ride," I said as I make myself comfortable, Ryoma handed me his jacket to cover my legs as I have decided to wear a skirt, I was about to give it back to him but he shushed me as he turned my head back to the court, so I just let it there and watched.


decided to try to update for my last Rest day of the week~

Hope you like it, though it's a filler (-_-;)

11:00 AM

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