LXXVI. without a doubt

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lunch with the tennis team had been weird...

I mean they've always been a bunch of weird people (most of the time...? I guess?) but it's weird because Fuji-Senpai, Momo-Senpai, and Ryoma are being weird... er? Weirder than usual? yeah something like that, the sudden change in Ryoma's attitude from before the game and now.

not to mention his herding.

like I'm some sheep that need herding by the shepherd. (cue eye rolls)

and speaking of herding; as soon as he saw me finishing my fruit bowl, he immediately started packing our lunch boxes (courtesy of his mum, of course, gotta love a homemade lunch box!) and immediately herded me to the door as we bid our farewells to the senpai.

"Oh! We heard Hanazakari-san is going to be joining the Acoustic Sessions for your class activities' cafe!" Kikumaru Senpai said, not even minding our farewells, and immediately walked with us, with a smiling Oishi Senpai beside him, and behind them were the others too.

Ryoma clicked his tongue in annoyance as he frowned, while our senpais walked with us, making me wonder what really is his issue, but I know not to tickle a sleeping dragon, rather let him settle first before annoying him.

"Yeah! Save seats for us!" Momo-Senpai excitedly said, his right arm going around my shoulder in a gentle side hug and an excited grin, still, his eyes held the mischievous sparkle from before, I wouldn't want to be the one to point it out though, I have a lot of peace and self-preservation... and I love my piece of mind and myself, so yeah.

the senpais left us alone when we had to part ways though, only then did Ryoma's frown subside.

as soon as we entered the room we were immediately pulled apart though, as I have to change into my costume, while he has to help in carrying things in the kitchen (he had insisted on staying there rather than inviting customers and serving them, and everyone agreed even though some were regretful at that, and I understand them very much, that face and aloof attitude will surely bring in customers alone, but meh, he's never been that social in the first place.

I've chosen to wear an all-time favorite, Hogwarts Robe! (the other choices were promptly rejected by Ryoma, and although I hadn't said any word, I agreed in my thoughts, It's either the Harry Potter Robes, an Alice in Wonderland maid outfit (wanted to wear that though, just because ALICE! hehe) and lastly from an animated series, 2b from Nier Automata (I haven't seen the series yet but have already been seeing 2b) and we've decided to keep it easier for the costume so we chose Hogwarts Robe! and being sorted to Ravenclaw the first time I tried, I chose Ravenclaw (though when I tried the other times after that I've been sorted to other houses, I've tried 4 times only to end up being sorted to all the houses in the end, surreal right? it was like I am a divergent in the wizarding world haha) not to mention I can easily dress up as Luna Lovegood, all thanks to my hair (Ryoma did mention I sometimes am Loony, so it fits. that arse!)


Day 1 ended peacefully and successfully, we were one of the first ones to finish our stocks with the Class activities, I hadn't even been able to perform yet, since the cosplay cafe itself was already good enough, it was pretty hectic, it was a good idea to add a take-out booth too, so there wasn't really a traffic in the hallways- actually, I take that back there has been some traffic, especially when Ryoma had taken a break and Osakada had pulled him out with Ryuzaki to invite customers over to check out our class cafe, I acted as if I hadn't seen though, safer than showing any reactions for everyone to see, only to hear our other classmates saying that we have almost had an issue due to the invited customers that weren't part of the plan yet, turns out Osakada and Ryuzaki had done the inviting without asking first and had almost caused panic due to the limited supply of the foods and other supplies that are only good for a specific number of people... more or less.

I'd taken my leave first seeing as I'd already waited for almost half an hour and RYoma hadn't returned yet when his friends called him, I just left him a message about it and planned to go home and sleep seeing as I'm all worn out.

I was waiting for the bus, lost in thoughts with my headset on, Olivia Rodrigo's Sour album playing when I realized that there is someone beside me, sitting in a bit too close for a stranger to sit, my head snapped towards the direction where that someone is sitting only to feel my blood drain off of my face (NOT LITERALLY...)


The person stared, comfortably sitting a bit too close, eyes meeting mine with a smile that made me feel a familiar shiver that I hadn't felt for a long time.


I was caught off guard!

and with me being all worn out, I honestly don't have the strength to have this reunion.

"Luna Lovegood?" he asked as he eyed the Ravenclaw necktie that I had forgotten to put in with the other pieces of the costume that I'll be washing and drying to wear again for tomorrow.

I nodded, not confident enough to answer this person verbally yet, he smiled again, a bit softly as his eyes softened a bit too, my eyes immediately went to the hands that had risen and went for a stray hair, only for it to be gently pushed back behind my ear, I had to fight myself from flinching, knowing that flinching around this person will only earn me more time rather than being left alone.

"Why haven't you contacted me?" he asked, as his eyes went back to meet mine, the unnerving feeling and the longing were clashing as they did, I still hand;t answered verbally though, just shrugged and jumped up as the bus had finally arrived, I heard a sigh as he too stood up and stepped beside me again.

"I'll see you again, all of you," he said as he finally left, I watched as he entered their family car, before running to the bus myself.

"without a doubt," I muttered to myself as I absentmindedly watched the streets as we pass through.


Oh yeah!

was supposed to update yesterday but I was so buzzed and out of it so yeah... here!

I know you guys already have an idea who this person is haha.

have a great day everyone, and remember that no matter what you are loved and someone cares!

peace out!


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