LVI. Well more for me then~

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"What do you think, Tetsuya?" I asked as I grabbed my drink.

"Will he be able to do it?" He asked in return, to this I turned to him.

I shrugged.

"Depends Tetsu, It will all be entirely up to him," I answered.

Silence followed apart from the huff of Nigou who's watching them as they speak from Tetsu's head, how they both kept the balance, I won't ask.

"Let's take a walk," I said then we both started walking only to end up seeing a deep in thought Kise.

Ah, the sun rays only made him more handsome, it's a shame nobody else is there to see it but us... Well more for me then~

Tetsu walked towards him, The thing about Tetsu is, no matter how he says that they're not that close enough, He knows how Kise had grown fond of him and that he too has grown fond of the clingy, noisy, arrogant model slash Miracle.

I watched as Tetsu stopped some ways from Kise and had kept silent up until he yelled in surprise at Tetsu's appearance.

"What's with the dog?" I heard him ask as I silently walked towards them.

"I kept him in my bag while I was watching, So, I thought I would let him get some fresh air during the break," He answered, while Kise moved to lower his head to meet the dog's level where Tetsu had moved him to.

"There's plenty I could say about that, So, what are you doing here Kurokochii?" he asked as he continued to look between the dog and Tetsu.

"We were training nearby until yesterday, So we decided to come to watch the Inter-High together," Tetsu said, Kise stood up straight with a fake frown and was already about to speak when I cut him off.

"Geez that wasn't nice Tetsu, Imagine how cramped and smelly your bag is from all the things that you've brought with you," I said, this seemed to surprise Kise more than his surprise from Tetsu.

"YUKICHII!! YOU'RE HERE TOO!" He said in surprise then he smiled and ran to me, hugging me.

"What are you doing here? Wait..." He stopped hugging me when he seemed to realize something, he then looked at Tetsu then at me, I immediately understood his thoughts and flicked his forehead.

"Ack! Yukichii!" He whined as he touched the slightly reddening area on his forehead.

"I was near the Area so we've decided to come to watch together," I said, he sighed as he scratch his head.

"So you didn't come to cheer me on." He sadly said.


Tetsu and I answered at the same time.

"That's so mean," he said as he fake cried, we just watched him, then he stopped and looked up to the skies.

"By the way,  between Daiki and me, who do you think will win?" Kise asked looking straight at Tetsu, who seemed to think it through first before answering.

"I don't know." He finally answered.

I sighed as I walked to Kise's other side and leaned against the railings and listened to them.

"As long as you don't give up, anything could happen, and I don't think either of you will give up. So, I don't think it would be strange if either of you won." Tetsu said, I smirked at his answer, perfectly worded.

"I'll go do my best then." My eyes widened to that, it seemed that both Nigou and Tetsu were surprised at Kise's statement toom, seeing how wide Tetsu's eyes became.

"What?" Kise asked as he turned to look at Tetsu then at me, I just smiled at him warmly as I reach for his nearest hand and squeezed it.

"We thought you would say, 'I'll definitely win!'," Tetsu answered Kise's question while I just stayed silent, still squeezing Kise's hand, he too squeezed back as he held mine while continuing the conversation between him and Tetsu.

"What are you talking about?" He asked then he smiled, squeezing my hand a bit as he did.

"Of course, that's what I'm trying to do, but honestly I don't know either. In Middle school, it was natural for us to win." He said, turning to me at the last part as he gave me a bittersweet smile.

"But I feel better now, not knowing if I will." He said, before turning to look at Tetsu's stunned expression that only a few can read.

I smiled as I let go of Kise's hand, making him turn to me, I grinned and cupped his face, which si a bit of a challenge since he's taller than me, good thing he adjusted himself immediately.

darn, why does being a cute size so hard? Ugh, never mind that.

I stared directly at Kise as he leveled his face to mine, staring back intently as he did so, I squished his face a bit then kissed his forehead, a ritual I would always do to the Miracles and Momoi whenever I feel like doing so... or if I felt like they needed my support.

I'm blaming My love language for being touchy with those who are close to me.

He seemed shocked when I did that though, then he smiled.

"No matter what the outcome is, continued with what you have in mind now, okay?" I asked, he smiled and nodded before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Yukichii." He said, I nodded then we parted, I waved him goodbye as Tetsu and I walked back to the bleachers since it was already almost time for the second half.

"Does this mean you're already on good terms with Kise-kun too?" Tetsu asked as we walk, I took a glance at his Pokerface before chuckling and turning to him, walking backward as I do so.

"Awww, Is Tetsu-chan jealous that I'm already good with another Miracle again?" I asked teasingly, he just stared at me blankly, making me laugh.

"I know, I know, just kidding... yeah, we've already talked things through before, but his actions today are better than that, I hope to see more from him and the others... Of course from you too, Tetsu." I said, then suddenly pulled me in.

I froze at the sudden nearness of our distance, out of all the members, Tetsu and the Carrot have always been mindful of my personal bubble, If it wasn't me who took the distance off, they wouldn't move closer unless needed so.

his face, he seemed surprised at the sudden nearness too, then he let go of me as soon as I had regained my balance.

"Y-You would have bumped into the... door." He said, I turned to look and saw that he was right someone had let the doors in the way.

darn, Tetsu couldn't you just have said so, you almost gave me a heart attack!

"Ahh... Thanks, We should go back before the others send the other members to look fo-"

"Will you just go already?" We both turned to see a frowning Ryoma and a smiling Fuji near us, looking from where they came from they might have come from the restrooms.

I looked at the 2 of them before turning towards Tetsu, who's now wearing his usual blank expression again, I sighed.

"Let's go then," I said then we all went back in.


Woot Anudah one~

okay, 2 more and I'll be able to cover the months that I haven't made an update haha!


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