XIII. Off they go

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It has already been months since i started being Seigaku's Manager, and It's... Nice.

I get to watch the regulars' special moves and Thank you for their Weird closeness towards their former foes, I get to meet those people too, like today...

Shitenhoji Senior High and Fudomine Senior High  had just arrived for an Inter School Practice Game, And Coach had just to Surprise me as I entered the School Gate with that Information. 

(-_-*;)> which happened to be the same time the Teams from the Said Schools had arrived.

"Gather the Members, I've already excused our Regulars for the whole day today, and you're Included." Coach said as he gently pushed me towards the Tennis Club's Direction, where no doubt the others are already are.

"But how about the other members?" I asked.

"They'll be able to watch during Lunch and after that since there will be a faculty Meeting for the Teachers of the 3 schools with the exception of the Coaches/Advisers of the Teams." Coach said, i sighed before glancing at the now pooling students from 2 schools, who are curiously watching us, I looked back to Coach again as I saw 3 people walking our way.

"Next time Inform me maybe a day or 2, Will ya?!" I hissed before turning around to run to the Tennis Club's Direction.

"Woah, She's fast!"
"Why is she wearing that? She should show her legs it looked toned-- Ouch!"
"Shut up will you?! You're embarrassing us!"
"I wanna see Koshimae!"

What a weird bunch...

I though as I heard them.

The Courts are already arranged when I arrived, The Regulars are already getting ready for their Morning Warm Ups, Good thing I told Ryoma to go on 1st or he'll have no Warm Up.

"OK, Everyone! Shitenhoji High and Fudomine are already here, Non-Regulars,Scram!" I said.

"Eh? Yuki-Chan seems annoyed? Why nya?" Kikumaru Senpai asked.

"The Coach forgot to inform me of the Inter School thing, and it seems like Ryoma deemed that it wasn't important to tell me too." I hissed.

"What? I thought you already know." Ryoma answered as he walked towards me, pulling my bag off of me and putting it beside his Tennis Bag.

"Whatever, I'll just change my clothes, I'll be running with you guys for the Warm up, Meet at the Track & Field." I said as I grab my bag back.


It was Chaos when I arrived, The 3 teams were all mingling, yes good but they were too noisy and are getting too boisterous as the time pass, while a long haired straw hat wearing guy is talking to the coach, I rolled my eyes as I walked towards them, tying my Club jacket tighter on my waist as I did so.

"Well Fudomine still doesn't have a Coach, and we'll kinda need 1 for now." Straw Hat said Coach.

"and their 'manager' is still in school since she's a member of the female's team." Coach said as they both looked like they were trying to settle this one out.

"Excuse me..." I said, and it seem to broke them out of their stupor, I smiled at them.

"Good Morning, I Would like to Introduce myself I am-"

"Hanazakari Yuki, Teiko Basketball Team's Manager and Captain of Female's Basketball Team, Also Known as Teiko's Joker which kinda connects to you Being the Kid Joker from the Tennis world back then..." The Straw Hat said in a Daze, which made me raise my brows at him before looking towards our Coach.

"Are all Coach as Air headed as you or he just got it from you?" I asked, which made the 2 laugh, and calling the attention of Teams.

"OH! YU-CHAN YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! COME COME! THEY DON'T BELIEVE US THAT WE HAVE A NICE AND GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL MANAGER!" Kikumaru Senpai called out as he jumped while calling me over, to which I shook my head at before looking back to a now sobering up pair of Coach.

"Well as you've already know me, It was meeting you Coach..." I left the sentence hanging for him to Introduce himself.

"Watanabe Osamu, Shitenhoji's Coach... or Adviser, Whatever." He said as he Introduced himself, making me facepalm at his veeeeeeeeeeeery laid back attitude.

"Ok, I really Hope that you 2 are the only ones who are like this, Aish." I said as I bowed before walking towards the Teams and yelling.

"OK! Enough Dilly-Dallying Seigaku, To your Positions, anyone not in Position as I arrive will clean the Male's Locker Room and the Shower Room Later!" I called out, which made all the Seigaku Regulars run to their Positions.

"Nice one! Yuki-Chan!" Coach called out making me turn and glare at him, stopping in my tracks.

"And If you're not going to Help me Coach, might as well Be Fudomine's Coach for today!" I said before walking back to Seigaku's Regulars.

"What was that? Fudomine's Coach for today?" Momo senpai asked as I step to the side where the grass is, and they all line up accordingly.

"Was just trying to Kick our Coach out for today." I said as I shrug, making most of my Team chuckle.

"Ok, Since we have some friends over, I would like to hide the fact that I'm trying to Kill you all during our Morning Routines, so we'll just do the usual timing of laps," I said.

"I knew it! you were trying to Kills us Yu-chan!" Kikumaru Senpai whined.

"Yeah and it helped with your stamina, So yeah, I'll continued to try to Kill you all with the Routines if it gets you all stronger than you were before you met me, So! As I was saying, 1st 5 to Run will be,  Kaidoh-Senpai, Ryoma, Fuji-Senpai, Inui Senpai and Kikumaru Senpai. This time it will be Team of 2, Combined time and the Slowest will--"

"How about my Penal Tea?" Inui Senpai suddenly asked, making everyone including the 2 teams who were stretching up (Well mostly watching us) pale, while I just sigh.

"If Coach agrees then ok, but he'll have to drink it before giving it the Slowest Pair." I said, then all of us turned to Coach who's now near us as he walk with Coach Osamu. 

"Ah, I think Penal Tea is too much for a Penalty." He said as he chuckle at his won pun, making me chuckle.

"Geez, Coach you'll have to time the second part, I'll be Joining." I said, this called everyone's attention.

"You're Seriously Joining this?!" most of the Seigaku regulars asked.

"I'll be teaming up with Ryoma." I said, as I looked at him, He smirked and nodded as He remove his jacket, throwing it to me afterwards.

"Wear it while running." He said, while stretching his legs.

"I can just wear mine." I said.

"Just Wear it!" He said as he turned at me with serious eyes.

"Fufu. Ryoma's Marking." I heard Fuji Senpai muttered from the line in front of me.

To avoid wasting time, I just wore it and told them to prepare.

"Oh, How about the Fastest can give the Slowest their Penalty!" Coach said, I thought it over and agreed.

"Sounds good to me, as long as it's ethical." I said, then As I blew the Whistle Off.

01:53 AM
Off they go.


Question to readers:
Which Anime brought you here?

Prince of Tennis
Kuroko No Basket?

Cross Over [ PoT - KnB ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora