XLI. It was always been him.

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Ryota whined as soon as I returnI just stared at him and waited for him to shut up, luckily the halft time break is done and so is Ryota.

"He's body is all warmed up." Midorima muttered as he eyed Aomine.

"Why'd he suddenly became serious?" Ryota asked in confusion, as he turned to me, I just shrugged then turned to look towards Seirin's bench.

"Tetsu will be benched." I said, the 2 with me turned to look at he same direction too and sighed.

"It couldn't be helped, but they couldn't afford to sub Kuroko out in the 1st quarter without Aomine. I don't believe they can endure this." Midormia commented.

"You're right." Ryota agreed as we all watch the game.

"That Taiga..." They both snapped out of their musings and turned when I spoke.

"He just need a bit more time, They might lose this game now, but the next time those 2 face each other again in a game? Hah, I feel excited just imagining that Aho's dumbstrucked face." I said.

"So for this game..." Ryota let his words hanging, as we all continued wayching the game.

"It will be a loss and a lesson learned, I just hope Those 2 will take this as a lesson and not as a loss." I said.

As Aomine was already about to score, I smirked at the scene on front of me, Tetsu's new light...

He jumped behind Aomine in order to intercept the ball, though his timing was off... His jump was not, that was a hight jump.

"Oh Fast Break!" Ryota said as their Captain threw the ball towards the other side of the court, but that won't work, They're against Generation of Miracle's Ace afterall.

Though... He jumped from the free throw line to dunk, is he capable of doing that at all?

"Oh!" I moved forward as I saw a sudden change in Aomine's stance.

"What? Wh- Ah! He'll pull something out!" Ryota realized as he too focused on Aomine.

When he started moving, it was one of his trademarks during Teiko's games.

"Those tricky moves, can Kagami keep up with it." Midorima asked thoughtfully.

"Those moves are American Street basketball moves, it was tricky because it was all aboit tricking the others to score using once agility and flexibility, He may have grew up here but he has always been a basketball addict, not really surprised he was able to polish up his street basketball moves." I muttered it was then 3 guys jumped up to defend the ring from him, he let himself pass and when he was already heading behind the ring, he threw the ball up.

"Wait... that..." I forgot my words...

earlier when we met, He casually threw the ball after stealing it from me.

he wasn't even looking that time.


had perfected it already.

This was one of the tricks that he wanted to perfect back then, being the Lazy him, he had always wanted to  be able to shoot in any shots he does

I stepped back a few as I massage my temple.

"Well atleast he's serious enough to bring out his tricks." I said.

"In all sports, including basketball, fundamental movements and the ideal form have been polished throughout the sport's history. Because they have been refined to perfection their options are limited and can be predicted, this give rise to a strategic battle between the offense and defense, That's the game." Midorima said as he watch the game, I sighed at the end though.

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