VIII. Ryo...?

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As I've instructed everyone started with a different course the next day,

The Regulars were all on the Track and Field for the Morning Practice with me, while Coach stayed with the other 4 Groups.

"Good Morning everyone! I Hope you all had some breakfast!" I greeted as I Placed my bag down on the grass alongside theirs, Who greeted her back, then silence followed as I removed my School Jacket, revealing my slightly fitted shirt courtesy of Ryoga-nii doing my laundry. (ーー゛)

"Since when did you start wearing that kind of shirt?" I turned towards Ryoma as I tie my hair up.

"Since your brother tried doing my laundry starting with my shirts." I deadpanned. and started walking to the field as I finished, with them doing the same.

"Ok, 5 Jogs around the Field, 5 Runs and back to 5 Jogs I won't be timing you for now, but i need you guys to be able to accommodate this, since this'll be our regular routine starter starting today, I'll be timing you tomorrow and from then, you guys will need to start to be fast on your feet, Am i clear?" They all nodded, and so our new morning starter, starts.

once they all fulfilled  everything,  moat of them were sprawled all over the ground.

"As expected Kikumaru Senpai's the last, before him is Kawamura Senpai, I'm pretty sure it eould be different if you're holding you racket though." I said as I handed them their water bottles.

"You call this starter?" A panting Ryoma hissed, making me smirk.

"Yes, Why? too hard for the wittle pwince?" I asked in a teasing manner, he glared making me smirk.

"that's what I thought, So Yeah, we' ll be doing this, every morning, for 4 more days, Yes, Saturday Included, For the after noon Club time, you'll all be doing the same thing only this time on the Tennis Field, just for warm up, from then on, something fun awaits everyone, that's all for now, see you later!" I said as I leave them, wearing my School jacket before carrying my bag.

"Hanazakari-San, Coach told me to remind you to 'Don't Forget your Assignment, and that everything is already taken cared of.'" I sighed and nodded.

"Do I really have to go there now?" I asked, Captain just stared at me before nodding.

"Fine, Fine, I'll try to make it to the Afternoon Club time, then." I said, as I left to walk to the Faculty Office.

"Well, this is a Big School..." I said as  I look around.

Since the Tennis Team cancelled today's Practice due to emergency circumstances, I might as well look around since I'm already here.

I was smiling as I look around, until My eyes Caught a Surprising yet Familiar sight.


What do we have here?

I kept my distance as I followed them, Slapping myself inside my head as they  all head to the Covered Basketball Court.

Damn it Yuki, seriously?

You and your curiosity...

I know, I should leave, I shouldn't be here, I should be heading towards their god damn Tennis Courts but...

My musing were cut, when I saw the Situation at Courts.

Are they seriously having them play while the Home school practices on the other side of the Court?!

Cross Over [ PoT - KnB ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें