XXXVI. Tough Cookie #1

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"Does that mean that you know pf pur activities too?" I stopped, this time I faced the monkey king and gave him a sly smile.

"watcha think?" I answered as I smirked before continuing on my way.

Of course I know their team's every move, I even have a rough draft of their regimes at the moment, yes, only rough, I don't want to spoil the upcoming updates about the teams that much, there won't be any thrill then if I spoil myself and the whole team, plus there won't be obvious improvements if I just feed them informations about each and every opponent, thus it will be better to just give them a slight background and some push before each game.

after checking up the others, I've proceeded to continue with the games, though this time I've shown no special moves...

Until the only ones who were left were Tensai Senpai and Ryo.

Tough cookies and both that will surely pull out my special shots, nonetheless worth the try not to use them and win if I possible.

I started to play with Ryo, the last time we played His shots became faster and heavier, and that was a month ago, pretty sure he'll be showing something new or atleast an improvement now, not even thinking that it will be observed by non seigaku audiences 😑.

I sighed as he entered he court while using his cap to fan himself, an indication that he had been warming up before his game, I scoffed playfully as I shake my head, sadly I won't be playing with him with our usual plays, My shots are a bit complicated, but I know that they aren't really hard to imitate and if pne has the skill can actually do it too.

"Which?" he asked as we both meet up at the center.

"You serve." I said as I walk back to my side but ratjer than my usual position, I stood near the base line.

I smirked as I saw his mouth twitched as he saw my position.


"Am ready anytime." I said.

While Ryoma looked a bit confused, I can hear the Senpais from the outside.

"Eh? Is this something new? I never saw her start at the base line." Kikumaru senpai asked in confusion.

"wouldn't it be a bit of a disadvantage to her?" Momo Senpai asked.

"Hmmm, could it be... Fuji Is she..."

"Hm? I think you're right Inui." Fuji answered Inui's unasked question, I turned to look at them and smiled.

"Oh? The Senpais realized it already? what a shame." I playfully said, as I said that, Fuji senpai's eyes Opened as he smile.

"You're talking to me again, hmmm, I should always invite other schools then, you only talk to me when they are around." Fuji senpai asked playfully, I jokingly rolled my eyes at him as I heard Ryoma's call.

"Eyes on Me, We're playing." I turned in shock, who irked this kid?

"Ehn, this chibi is serious? Is she that good?" that is the monkey King, I forgot he's here tho.

I didn't mind Ryo's irked expression and just chuckled at him, letting a bit more of my Joker persona out.

why else will I talk to Tensai senpai if i'm not in my Joker persona? hmp.

Once Ryo served, rather than returning his Twist serve, I avoided it.

that twist serve just now, is heavier than usual.

"out of luck?" Ryoma asked sarcastically as he started going back to his former position and prepare for another updated twist serve.

I chuckled as I prepare to return it, starting with...

"Wait... Isn't that Ryoma's split step?!" Horio woth hia co-trio voiced out, seems like the other players are heading to our courts now.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ryo asked as he frowned at my actions.

"preparing for a return?" I answered casually.

"you haven't mentioned your Lady Luck since we started, play seriously." He saod before finally hitting his twist serve again, I smirked as I took 2 steps back a bit back and return his twist serve with a jack knife.

"15 all" I grinned playfully towards ryomas as I place on of my hands on my waist while the other helf my racquet.

"TH-THAT WAS MOMO'S JACK KNIFE!" Kkimaru senpai exclaimed as he stared at the know rolling ball near Ryoma.

"Ryo-kun~ did you forget Lady Luck's trump card?" I asked, cocking on of my brows at the same time.

"Mimicry..." I giggled when he stilled for a moment as he realized what I was talking about.

"with Mimicry, She can copy skills and adjust it according to her strength, weakness, weight, height, strength and speed, then eventually make it hers." Inui Senpai explained.

I turned to him and pointed my finger gun at him with a wink.

"Bingo Data Senpai! and that, children is how I have exceptional shots." I said as I grin.

ahhhhh Lady Luck's arrogance is slipping out 😅

"So far she had done Ryoma's split step and Momo's Jack knife, she's been monitoring us for a while now, does it mean that our special shots are..." Oishi senpai let his sentence hanging, I glanced his way and smirked a bit before going back to the game.

Ryoma made efforts to return the shots, And I won't lie and say it was easy not to use my own shots, I didn't even practice some of seigaku's shots before 😒

for the last shot, I had to give him a prize for playing hard and making and effort and so I have him, My Hera Shot.

Aaaaand we finally ended the game!

"Damn it Ryo! you were really persistent! O won't be playing with you from today to another month, Hmp." I whined before fonally letting my Lady Luck slip out and relax while drinking some water.

Ugh! I have that Tensai next, he'll probably be a harder cookie than Ryoma was, I huffed, as I sat at the bench.

"We didn't know you can play that well." I turned and smile at the one who spoke.

"All that you know about me are hearsays, spme might be truth and some might be false nonetheless, it will be up to me which of those things to show to others." I said, shrugging.

The Child of God; Seiichi chuckled at my words.

"Very well said." He replied.

"As expected from the Teiko's Joker." I harrumped at the Monkey king; Atobe's words.

"I may be good as the Joker but all my plays are from my Lady Luck plays." I replied before tirning my back on them and continued relaxing.

Done with Tough Cookie #1, #2 will probably be more complicated than this one.

I sighed at my thoughts.

"I just have to win or tie up with him, and I'll be done Ugh." I muttered to myself.

Finallyyyyyyyy an update!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
thank you very much for the new readers and followers, for the hearts and also for he readers who are patiently waiting for an update from yours truly.

btw, how are you guys? Here our ECQ has been extended up to the first half of the month of May 😞 I really hope this Pandemic ends, I'm ised to staying in my room even without the ECQ but the current situation has been making our pockets cry already Ohmyghaaaaash...

ugh sorry for the rant, Stay safe guys ok!


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