LIX. The cat

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As she had promised; all Seigaku Regulars were the ones who had tried the new Regime that she had newly formulated, needless to say, most of them were panting on the ground after finishing them all while some were still standing but had a visible trembling knee out of exhaustion, while a laughing Coach and a manager who's smugly grinning at the outcome were standing just beside them.

"Waaaah, You guys did well! Congratulations!" She cheerily said as she take down some notes on her Ipad, honoring her promise of cheering them the last time they watched with Seirin.

"M-Manager-chan..." Kikumaru beggingly called her as he pants from the ground, she had turned to him with a wide smile, it would have been a nice sight for sore eyes but seeing as she had done the same before they started the Regulars was unease at the expression.

"What's that Kikumaru Senpai? You want to try another roun—"

"NO~ Please Manager-chan, I-I'm really sorry for teasing you since we started, I-I won't do it again, promise." He said as he begged the younger girl, she just chuckled, then handed him a cold drink that she had specially made for the team... the same drink she usually makes for them after these exercises of hers.

As the Seigaku team tries to take more oxygen for their life, Shitenhouji and Rokkaku were silently watching them from the sides, watching in silence... Even Kintarou kept his mouth shut or made as little noise as possible, in fear of being asked to join the intense exercise that the other team had just done.

"Tsk, Tsk, It's just our third day Senpai, and all will be getting your rest by the sixth and seventh day then Game time for Monday! Don't you want to surprise everyone in our district with your Improvement?" She asked.

"Why Am I even included here, wasn't this Punishment for what they said about your ty—"

"I see, Little Prince wants another set!" She said as she was already about to mark Ryoma's name on her Ipad, but was stopped when he snatched the Ipad with a glower, she just grinned as she raised one of her brows.

"You were saying?" She asked teasingly, Ryoma just groaned and handed back the iPad with a huff.

"What's next though?" Momo asked as he sit on the ground, it was a good thing that the last part of the exercise was done in a place with a roof, but the heat is still surrounding them, Shitenhouji had done theirs outside alongside Rokkaku, and they were given instructions to go to the Gymnasium that the Coaches had rented for the teams to stay at after the activities for some time.

"Take a break, then everyone will be walking back for lunch with the Coaches, I'll go ahead first to check the food again, Oh! And Captain, They have already received the Schedules for Next week's Match, you might want to remind them to tell Seigaku only the team we're going against for now." She said, Tezuka nodded, the 2 had already talked about this plan, she had decided to make it just how she'd done with Teiko back then, and since there is no Momoi with her, she'll be in charge of the Data gathering and planning alongside Inui too, she had already formed a little team for this very reason and had already sent out some of the members who had connections with some of the Schools that will be joining the District Games, most especially focusing on teams that are already known with its Tennis Team just like Seishun.

"Did the coach already talk to either of you about who's going to be the Team's reserve?" Seigaku's Vice-Captain; Oishi asked the 2, which caught the attention of not Only the Seigaku Regulars but also the other 2 teams, she smirked.

"We'll be having the game the day the other 2 teams leave," she said.

"Ara, wouldn't it be nice to watch?" Shitenhouji's Captain said with a smile.

"I think it would be better to leave some for the other team's imagination." She answered with a smile too, out of all the other people from the other Teams, Shitenhouji's captain is one of the few she had liked to talk with... though he has some weird moments... especially when their Youngest is misbehaving... not to mention that she knows for a fact that he might be as good as either Fuji or Tezuka, she can tell what's under those bandages and knows the possible outcome of him removing it, and that if she plays with him it would be like playing with a combination of Momoshiro, Kawamura, and Kaido all at once, not sure if she'll win or lose though, seeing as he hadn't seen him play without that bandage at all.

"Ah, I'm starting to think the Coaches were right in trying to poach you." He said teasingly, she just jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Your school is too far, your first year is too Noisy and your Second Year can be annoying... so, I'll have to pass," she said before sticking her tongue out playfully and then walked away, leaving a chuckling Shiraishi, and gawking Seigaku, Bar Tezuka who just shook his head at the young girl's antics, an eye smiling Tensai and a frowning Prince.

"She didn't say no, though, she just told him her Issues with the team, unlike Rokkaku's," Fuji said as the girl disappeared from their view as she left, then he looked towards Shiraishi who smiled, then Fuji took a glance towards their Youngest.

"So if the school wasn't as far, and nobody's Noisy and annoying... does that mean she'll accept the transfer?" Fuji continued as he subtly watch their youngest changing expression although his litany.

"Hmm, I'll have to talk about the 2 members, she can always just be given a nice play to stay at if needed," Shiraishi said as he realized what the Tensai was up to, the youngest just continued to silently get angry then walked away from the 2 who ended up chuckling when Ryoma is already out of hearing range.

"You 2, really..." Tezuka muttered, making the 2 laugh loudly.

"It's not every day that I get a reaction out of Echizen, I'm sorry," Fuji said.

"Eh, but we always get to see these reactions since Hana-chan joined us, so it would be better not to annoy either of them or they will take it out on us," Oishi said as he scratch his nape with a sweatdrop.

"Are they together?" Shiraishi asked, Seigaku team was silenced as they looked at each other, but nobody answered until Tezuka spoke up.

"It's their business, we don't ask." He said.

"But you're curious too aren't you?" they all turned to the new addition to the conversation; Kojirou Saeki; Fuji's friend.

another silence then Kaido spoke.

"We'd rather not ask for their personal business--"

"Oh come one Viper! I know you're as curious as everyone!" Momo said.

"Ever heard of curiosity killed the cat? I'd rather stay alive, Go on if you want to die, you Moron." Kaido said, then the 2 argued again... as always...

"Wasn't the cat brought back by knowledge," Inui said as he adjust his glasses, then Fuji chuckled a bit.

"but the other will surely not let us off." He said as his eyes opened with his smile, Seigaku team shivered at the glint on his eyes knowing he is considering asking them just to rile up the 2.

"Okay, let's stop there, the Coaches are already making their way in front.


An update! OMG wasn't really expecting to finish this one!

by the way, Thank you for reading everyone! Keep safe!

Oh and you can also support me by dropping some tips/donations on my Ko-fi acct.~


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