LXXVIII. Wrackspurts and Nargles

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"Ah! I'm glad I didn't go to watch, my blood pressure won't- Argh, I'll knee that fake Emo once I see him! trying to hurt Tetsu?! HA! That assho- oomph!"

"you're going to stress your throat, I was told you'll be performing," Midorima said as he himself covered the lower half of her face with one of his hands to stop her temper.

Those long-ass candle fingers with white tape fingers? YES.

"Hmp, He made Tetsu Angry, Tetsu is never Angry!" she said childishly as soon as Midorima removed his hands, her arms crossing over her chest with a cute frown, (As per everyone's POV) and a pout. (not a pout as per Yuki herself. NOT. A. POUT.)

"And he broke their game, his pride had been hit, hard. like really hard," Ryota said calming the smaller girl down as he handed her her drinks from one of the food stands, she still acted like a cat and started hissing in annoyance though.

"and still had the nerve and energy to act like a thug, I'm telling you I would-"

"Yu." one word and Yuki glared at Aomine before walking away with a huff, they can imagine puffs of smoke coming off of her, making them all just shake their heads at her cuteness. 

"Ah, this reminds me of the past," Ryota said as he bittersweetly smiled at his thoughts and words, while they all follow her.

"Oh! isn't that-" Momoi's words were cut and were about to stop Yuki from turning only for her to do so late, very late. On the other side, they could all see, a girl with twin plaited pigtails hugging Ryoma tightly, Ryoma's left hand holding the back of her head while her head's tucked in, forehead on his neck.


she didn't know how she feels like it was cold and it's warm at the same time like, she hears and feels her heartbeat, like she had lost all feeling from the waist down, her legs not moving even with her mind ordering her to turn and walk away...

'Ah' she thought as she moved her eyes away from the 2, meeting a pair of large dark pink eyes looking at her in worry, she gave her a smile as one of her hands reached for the other girl's cheek fingers touching the side near her temple.

she smiled...

she has to, or she'll really break, so she smiled.

"I really like your eyes Satsuki," she whispery said, still with the smile, the other female immediately moved to hug her but the smaller girl stepped back as she stepped forward, glad that her legs are finally moving again, Momoi grew more worried at that step back, it was familiar, she had seen it before, not only her...

"Ne, Yu-chii, Where's your Homeroom, aren't you going to need to change into a costume first?" the yellow-haired male bent a bit to level their faces as he smiled warmly at the silver/white-haired girl, whose eyes had grown unfocused for a moment before smiling and grinning with a nod.

"Mn Yeah, Let's Go, Sunny, the girls there will probably faint upon seeing you, they will probably bug me for your number. so you handle them properly this time or I'll sock your pretty face, 'kay?" she said, with a playful warning, walking ahead of both Momoi and Ryota, both had tried reaching her arms to look arms with hers, but she had smoothly avoided them and had held her own hands behind her, so they settled in walking the way they are towards her Homeroom.

"Yeah, Bluuuue, Fortune Shin, what are you 2 waiting for? Christmas?" Yuki called as they walked away, the 2 looked at the smaller girl in worry.

She chuckled as her classmates watched her friends in awe, most girls in awe with Ryota being there of course, most of the boys with Momoi's appearance and bubbly appearance, and the remaining once were left in awe at seeing a grumpy and handsome blue-haired tan guy and a pokerfaced handsome green haired Megane.

she snickered as she made her way out of the room to change her clothes, she smiled at her reflection as soon as she finished, she frowned though as her eyes started getting warm, followed by a clogged-nose-like sensation, making her groan, she leaned in and washed her face, urging herself to calm down while doing so, as she straightened up she chuckled hollowly at her reflection, still wet with the water (or so she makes herself believe so).

after drying herself and finally calming herself down, she went back to her classroom, only to stop at the commotion in it.

"Well, you can leave if my face annoys you that much." she sighed at Ryoma's words, she can guess who those words are aimed at, and her thoughts were cut with a laugh.

"We didn't come here for you, so you might as well just shut your trap," Aomine said after his mocking laugh, she sighed again before inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"And you came for Yuki? Ha, stop lingering around her, she doesn't need y-"

"Ara~ seems like you 2 are full of Wrackspurts, I thought only Nargles are in this Area," she said in a dreamy soft voice as she entered, eyes on the frowning Aomine who was being stopped by both Ryota and Midorima, Momoi hovering in front of him as a block.

All heads snapped towards her as she broke the tense atmosphere, she tilted her head and cutely smiled at the Tall Grumpy teen.

"Well met young man, we seemed to be a pair with our color matching," she said, channeling Luna's character as soon as she stepped in, Momoi's squeal had completely eradicated any lingering tenseness as she fangirl over Yuki.

"Oh my, your hair's the color of the most powerful love potion, is there a certain person you're planning to use it to?" she asked with a soft smile, Momoi squealed again, making her and others chuckle, she turned to the whole class.

"Are going to do this or am I just going to act like a loony without the actual cafe?" she asked tilting her head in question, the blushes of those who are around weren't left unnoticed.


an update! yaaaay!

was actually planning for this and the next update only to erase all my drafts, since with my last updates, Yuki had only just fully realized and admitted her feelings and the action she had chosen is to hide it, keep her feelings in,  I thought that, it wouldn't work in the long run, with the relationship between the 2 it will only cause trouble than help, and so I've thought of another road, and this is the product of it!

Hope you guys are doing well! See you on the Next update!


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