Chapter 37: Graduation

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Today was the day I am graduating from the hell that has held me captive for the last four years of my life.

High school.

Boy, I definitely won't miss this.

I sat in the parking lot fixing my makeup in my rear-view mirror. I re-line my lips with a red liner. I focus on keeping a perfect line until I hear banging on my car window.

I jumped in fear and messed up the line on my lips. I frantically look at who was banging at my window.


He bent over laughing at me being frighten by his scare. I roll my eyes and got out the car. "I should just drop-kick you in your neck for scaring me." I narrow my eyes at him.

He ignored my threat and kept laughing. "You should have seen your face."

I shook my head in disapproval. "Loser."

The rest of the group walked towards us as I scold Jackson for his prank.

"What happened?" Noah asked as he draped his long arm around Phoenix's shoulder.

"He scared me while I was trying to fix my makeup." I sound agitated. I turn towards my car window to look at my reflection. The liner wasn't as noticeable, so I just wiped the excess markings.

Jackson recovered from his laughter and walks over to Meredith to give her a kiss. Even though I want to punch Jackson in the face right now, Jackson and Meredith are adorable. A smile tugged on my lips as I watch them love on each other.

"Ready to graduate, guys!?" Harlow cheered as she took a swig out of a clear bottle that I hoped was just water.

"The after party is at my place, correct?" I asked Harlow for confirmation as I locked my car back.

She nods her head and walks with me towards the stadium. She had her hair curled and even more highlights of strawberry blonde streaks.

As we approached the big stadium, I see Jonathan holding hands with a petite figure. The girl held his hand tightly as they talked. The more we got closer, the more I knew who the petite woman was.


"I told him not to bring her here." Jackson seethes behind me. Meredith held his hand tightly. "They're just going to mess everything up."

When it was time to go, Rowan stood on her tippy toes to kiss Jonathan passionately goodbye before he left.

I waited for the jealousy to come flooding in, but I was only flooded with the feeling of relief that he was genuinely happy.

After a while, Jonathan and I started to talk to mend our old friendship back. I fully forgave him for what happened and moved on.

He cheated on me, but now he's happy with the girl that he truly loves. And I can't fight that.

I patted his back as we entered the stadium. "You guys do realize that the ceremony is only two hours, right? The smooching can wait." I joke with him and nudged him in the arm.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, Alex."

We got to the field and took our seats in the front row. We waited for President Azalea to start her introduction.

"Welcome Parents and Graduates. I would love to thank the parents for coming and your hard work you put into your child. I also want to thank..." She read off her speech from the podium. I had an efficient amount of sleep but somehow, she had me almost fall asleep again. I start to doze off until I hear the last few words. " speaker will be Alexandria Promise."

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