Chapter 4: The Golden Boy

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"Uh...hey there! I didn't know that you were having friends over." My mom came through the basement door frame. She still had her work clothes on like she never left.

"No, Mom. He's not my-"

"Hi, I'm Micah. How are you?" He said standing up and greeting my mother. Why is he so friendly?

"Hey, Micah. I'll let you two work on your project. I'm assuming you'll stay for dinner?" My mom asked, raising her eyebrow at Micah.

"I think he-" I tried to object.

"will stay for dinner. Thank you, Miss. Promise." He finished my sentence with a smile. He sure knows how to turn on his charm.

My mom nods and went up the stairs smiling. I knew she was happy because this was the first time someone can stay for dinner. I just wish it wasn't him.

"We are not friends. Got it, Golden Boy?" I said sounding frustrated.

He rubbed his chin acting as if he was thinking. "If we aren't friends, then why do I have a nickname?" He raised his eyebrow.

"It just suits you." I shrug. "Nothing major. Doesn't mean anything." I kept my eyes on the rubric. I quickly scan it to read the guidelines. This project looks like it was time-consuming.

"Okay. Whatever you say, New girl."

I look up to see him smirking at his computer. "Don't call me that."

He looks into my eyes and smiled. His eyes were gorgeous. They had a gold ring of color on the inside of his eyes. "So, what? What are you going to do about it?" He said smirking. We still didn't break our gaze with each other.

"Don't call me that." I broke my focus on him and back to the rubric.

"And if I don't?" He teased.

"Golden Boy, did you even start researching yet?" I said sounding frustrated. I can't work with him talking. I turned my laptop on to start researching for the project.

"Not yet. I'm still trying to get to know you better." He shrugs slightly.

"Just get your part of the project done, Golden Boy." I said trying to stay focus on the section I was working on.

"You act tough but you're really just trying to hide something."

I could feel him staring at me. Gosh, he's so annoying. "Not hiding anything. You're just being annoying." I acted like I was unfazed but all he did was speak the truth.

"Alex, you don't have to lie. I'm actually a good listener." He said looking down at his computer. He sounds genuine.

Or it was a trick.

It had to be some trick.

"Stop acting like you know me." I said looking up at him.

"You're right? I don't know you," He fixed his posture with confidence. "I'm just a guy who says what he sees." He admits.

Maybe he was genuine.

We stare at each other for a moment. It felt like everything kind of just stopped as cliché as it sounds.

"I was wondering if-" He was interrupted by his phone ringing.  I avert my eyes quickly back to my computer screen trying to figure out what he was about to say.

"Oh, it's Raven. I'll just talk to her later," He said, putting his phone back in his bag. "Back to what I was saying, I was wondering-"

"I'm pretty sure, dinner is ready. Let me go check." I said getting up. I ran up the stairs and walked to the kitchen. Whatever he had to say could wait.

"Hey, love. What are you doing up here?" My mom was taking Mac & Cheese out of the oven.

"Oh, well...I was just checking up on dinner." I said trying to stall. I just don't want to go back down to the basement with him.

"It's ready. I have to be somewhere at nine." She said removing her apron.

The disappearance of the apron revealed her short red dress that accentuated her hourglass shape. She had her hair curled and a few small touches of makeup on. My mom is so beautiful.

"Where are you going again?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her. She hasn't dressed up in a long time.

"I'll answer that question if you tell me who that boy is." She said smiling.

"Just a partner in Chem, Mom. Just a partner." I roll my eyes.

"Mhm, sure Alex. Maybe a partner in love." She said wiggling her eyebrows. She's such a goofball.

"Mom. Stop." I said rubbing my face. Hopefully, he can't hear us.

"Why not? He's gorgeous and seems like a good boy." She turns off the stove and set out plates for everyone.

"Thank you, Miss Promise. You look gorgeous as well." Micah said leaning against the top door of the basement stairs.

"Thank you, Micah. I have a business meeting I have to attend soon." She said looking at her silver watch. "I really have to go, or I'll be late. Dinner is ready. Don't have too much fun." She said winking at me. She grabbed her keys and was out the door.

I set my elbows on the counter and covered my face. "What part did you hear?" I asked awkwardly.


"We're going to eat down in the basement. I just have to get my sister to come down too."

"Okay, New girl." He said chuckling to himself. He got our food and went downstairs.

"Celeste, come eat!" I yell while making her plate.

Hopefully, she won't embarrass me in front of Micah.

I turn to see Celeste wearing a purple princess tutu and a face full of sloppy makeup, that I assume was mine.

Yeah, she's going to embarrass me.

"Celeste, why did you go through my stuff?" I whine. I don't wear a lot of makeup but when I do, it's expensive makeup.

"I just want to look like you." She said smiling with purple lipstick drawn above and over her lips.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult." I joked. "Let's go eat." I said grabbing her food. We walk down to the basement.

I drop her plate at her pink desk and sat at mine.

"Do I look like Alex?" I turn around to see Celeste ask Micah that question.

"Yes, you do. You look very beautiful." He said smiling.

"Celeste, finish eating so we can get you to bed soon." I said finishing my food. I look over at Micah and he was finished as well. He was just staring at his phone. His smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown.

"I should be going. My mom wants me home for a family meeting." He grunted. He stuff his phone in his pocket.

"Okay. I'll walk you out." I said walking up the stairs. We get to the door and then he stopped. He was so close to leaving. Why couldn't he just leave?

"I was wondering if you want to come to a party I'm throwing." He asked smiling.

"Parties aren't my thing, Golden Boy. Now off you go." I pushed him towards the open door.

"Just try it and if you start to hate it, I'll take you home." He promised.

I sigh. I knew he would annoy me to death if I didn't go. "Fine."

"I'll pick you up at nine." He said, finally walking out the door. He got inside of his white G wagon and roll down his window "Goodnight, New Girl."

I roll my eyes. "Night, Golden Boy." I closed the door and locked it.

This will be interesting.

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