Chapter 6: A Playdate

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" wanted to talk?" I said awkwardly trying to eat my BLT.

"Let me start off by saying your car is beautiful." He said looking at the interior of the car.

"Yeah I know." I scoff at his compliment. He has a perfect white G-Wagon and he says my little Lexus is beautiful. It's beyond me on why he thinks that. "Now back to my question. What did you want to talk about?"  I said while wiping the corners of my mouth with a napkin.

"I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to be rude. I just had a ro-"

"It's fine Micah. I get it. Everyone has bad days. Even the Golden ones." I turn to look at him and smiled. His eyes weren't as dull as before but just a little bit brighter.

"You know, you've been pretty nice to me recently. Is that because we're becoming friends?" He smirked and all I could is laugh.

"Not even close, Golden Boy." I giggle. "Lunch is about to be over." I check the time.

"Okay partner. I will see you tomorrow then." He got his lunch and left.

I grab my lunch trash and got out of the car to throw it away. I saw Harlow and join her on the way to our next class.


"Hey, Alex!" Celeste greeted.

A boy followed her in the car and closed the door behind him. He took the middle seat and sat quietly looking timid.

He's the opposite of Celeste.

"Hey, Celeste. What's your friend's name?" I ask as I pulled away from the car line.

"His name is Hayden. I've told you before." She said sounding annoyed. "Sorry, she's old. She can't remember a lot." She whispered to Hayden, but I could obviously hear it.

"Don't let her fool you, Hayden. I'm not that old." I laughed. "So Hayden, who picks you up usually?" I ask curiously.

"My brother, because my Mommy and Daddy are out of the country." He said quietly but not too quiet that I couldn't hear him.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be coming back soon. They love you so much I bet." I smiled at him through the rear-view mirror.

"They're never home." He stared out the car window with his eyes watering.

"It's okay, Hayden. We can play on the Nintendo switch when we get home." Celeste grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to her.

"That'll be so much fun!" He smiled and got excited.

I got to my driveway and parked next to my mom's Range Rover. My phone started to ring. "Y'all go on. I have to answer a call." I said looking at the caller ID.


They got out of the car and ran inside quickly. I answer the phone hesitantly. "Hello? Who's this?" This better not be Brian again.


I sighed in relief. "Hey, Harlow. I thought it was a stranger. What's up?"

"I need somewhere to crash. I know I just met you and everything, but I called everyone else and I need a place right now." I could hear fighting in the background. Sounded like her parents were fighting.

"Yeah sure. Sorry, I'm the last resort." I said chuckling.

"I didn't know if you're a serial killer or a kidnapper. Got to be safe out here."

"What if I'm both?" I said turning my car off.

"Just my luck." She laughed. "Whatever dork. Send me your address and I'll be there in 10 minutes." She hung up.

I sent her my address and got out of the car. I got my backpack and headed inside to start some of my AP homework. Since Harlow is coming over, I already knew that I won't be getting any of my work done with her around.


"So, let me get this straight. You've kissed an actor before??" I ask in disbelief.

"Twice dude. Twice." She confirmed nonchalantly. She chewed on a green grape as she finished her homework. "Did Micah ever tell you why he blew up at you this morning?"

"I didn't want him to. It's easier to just be partners with no attachments, you know?"

"Girls would kill to be in your spot. Micah Skye is very attractive."

"Yeah but he's too popular and probably acts like Raven." I said shrugging. Micah was too much of a goody too shoes for me.

"Well....are you at least going to go to his party? It's going to be beast this year?"

I roll my eyes. "He asked me to go. He said if I start to hate it, he'll drive me home." I look down at my unfinished work for AP Government. I'll just finish it during class.

"Sounds like you've piqued his interest."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"If you didn't interest him, he wouldn't be offering that deal to you, dummy." She said throwing a pillow at me."You're so oblivious." It completely missed me and hit my bedroom door.

"At least I can throw a pillow." I grab my white pillow and nail her in the face with it.

After that, we had a pillow fight. How cliché.

"Alex, go open the door." I heard my mom scream from the living room. Harlow and I ran to the door and opened it quickly.

"Well hello, there ladies." He winked at us with his dazzling eyes.

"Why are you here?" Harlow asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm supposed to be picking up my little brother. I didn't know that Celeste was friends with him." He smiled with his perfect white teeth.

I began to connect the dots as to why Micah was mad this morning to Hayden and I's conversation earlier. He was upset about his parents. Understandable.

"Apparently their dating, but you didn't hear that from me." I said snickered.

"He sure does know how to pick the prettiest ones." He complimented, then he assessed my outfit. "Even the ones who wear bunny slippers." I forgot that I was in my pajamas and felt embarrassed.  I nervously smiled and waited for Hayden to come up from the basement.

"Bye Hayden!" I heard Celeste scream from the basement as Hayden came up with his bag.

"Hey, Hayden! Ready to go home?" Micah said ruffling Hayden's hair.

"Yup." He smiled. He seemed happier with Micah.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again, New Girl." Micah said with a small smile.

"Goodnight, Golden Boy." I answered and slowly closed the door shut.

"Alex. You saw what I saw, right?" Harlow pointed to the closed door.


"A whole lot of flirting going on!!" Harlow sang as she went up the stairs.

"Shut up, Harlow." I call out as I chase her up the stairs.

I doubt he was flirting.


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