Chapter 28: The Recovery

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My eyes fluttered open, looking at the foreign body in my bed. I look around wide eyed, realizing that this isn't my room. I look at last night clothes on the dresser that weren't on my body. The body huffed to my side so that I could see their face clearly.

As soon as I saw it was Micah, I slowly got up from the bed and tip toed towards the door. Memories came back from last night and I didn't feel like explaining my actions.

"Alex. Sit back down." He didn't even have to get up to know I had left the bed. I laid back down on the bed. He walked to the bathroom and came back with water and aspirin.

"I don't have a headache."  I said looking up at him.

He set it on the nightstand. "You're eyes are bloodshot red and you still have bruises from that asshole last night," He put the pills in my hand. "Just take it for now." Being as stubborn as I am, I set it back on the nightstand. I'm pretty sure I didn't bruise that bad.

He threw on a sweatshirt and a baseball cap from the dresser. "We're going out to eat breakfast. I'll be in the car waiting."

"Who said I wanted to go out?" After last night, I didn't want to see anyone. I was mostly embarrassed by the fact that I let my emotions get the best of me last night.

"It's not up for a debate." He grabbed his keys off of his desk. He closed the door behind him. I gradually got off the edge of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

I look at my reflection and the memories started to flashback again. My eyes were in fact bloodshot red and swollen. My neck was badly bruised by Brian's grip. It even hurt to swallow anything. I traced the bruise with my finger and a tear shed slowly down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as I borrowed one of Micah's slides. I didn't have any other clothes than the ones last night, so this just has to work for the day. I grabbed the aspirin from the dresser and downed the pills.

I got in the car and started to reminisce on last night. Micah turned the car on and drove out of the driveway. I watched the silent scenery pass us by. I felt guilty for causing Micah to get a black eye. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it still hurt where Brian choked me, even with the aspirin. I touched the stinging spot and cried. He was an abuser. He didn't love me. Who would though?

Micah pulled into the Waffle House parking lot and parked near the entrance. "Micah?" I croaked in between silent sobs.

I look up and see his features soften. "Yes, Alex?" He turned towards me with worry in his eyes. I never understood why he took care of me, but he did anyway.

"Brian used to-to-" Memories of Brian verbally assaulting me flooded back into my thoughts. I couldn't even talk because I'm still damaged from his abuse. He took everything and left me with nothing.

Micah got out of the car and went around to hug me. I sobbed into his chest for a couple of moments to speak again. He grabbed my hand and led me into the empty restaurant. We sat in a booth on the same side.

"We were dating for a good.... year and a half. He was my Romeo and I was his Juliet. He used to never yell at me until his mother died," Tears began to slip back down my cheek. Micah wiped them off as I talked. "One day, I forgot to call him before I went to sleep. I thought it wasn't a big deal since he's done that to me all the time." I cleared my voice even though my throat like someone one was choking me. "He came over in the middle of the night drunk and angry and....."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to-" Micah suggested.

I shook my head and continued. "He hit me for the first time. He proceeded to yell out racial slurs as he punched me.....repeatedly." I look down at my hands and started to fidget. "I can still see the scars sometimes."

A Normal Life | COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora