Chapter 5: New Friends

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"BEEP! BEEP!" My alarm sang at 6:05 in the morning. After yesterday's morning, I learn I had to wake up on my own.

I got up and put my curls in one giant ponytail. I brush my edges down and got started on my makeup. While I was doing my mascara, I heard my phone buzz. I walk over to my nightstand to see who it was.

I have another meeting this morning. I made breakfast for you and Celeste. Thank you. Have a fun day at school! Remember to pick up Celeste and her friend from school for their playdate! Love, Mommy.

I don't know why she signs her name at the bottom. She works at a technology company. You would think she knows how to text. I text her back and finished my routine for the morning.

I look inside my closet to see what I want to wear today. I didn't want to wear anything fancy because that's just not my style.

"Alex! Hurry up!" Celeste yelled from her room. I glance at the clock to see what's all the fuss about.

6:50 a.m.

Shoot! School starts in about 40 minutes.

I grab some ripped dark wash skinny jeans with a sleeveless light pink blouse to match it. I grabbed my dark green cardigan and ran to Celeste's room.

I styled her hair in two ponytails with glittery pink ribbons wrapped around both. Hopefully, that'll last her the day.

We ran downstairs and grabbed our breakfast to go. We jumped in the car and started to make our way to her elementary school.

"So...Who's coming over today?" I said peeking at the rear-view mirror.

"Hayden." She said smiling. "I met him at recess yesterday."

"Ooo! Is he your boyfriend??" I said chuckling.

"Yup!" She said smiling even bigger.

"This is the second day of school. Y'all just met." I said while turning into the car rider line. I check the time to see how much time I had left.

7:20 a.m.

"Oh well! I got a boyfriend and you don't!" She teased me and scrunched her nose. We got in front of the car line and park.

"Mhm. Just get out the car rascal. I'll pick you guys up after school. Love ya."

"Love you too." She stuck out her tongue and got out of the car. When she left the car, I saw a little boy waiting for her. They laced their hands together and walk towards the school. I couldn't help but smile. I drove out of the car line and drove to school in a hurry.

I get to school and parked in the third row of the parking lot. I look at the time and I only have three minutes to get to class. My class is across the school from the parking lot. I get my stuff and bolt through the campus trying to get to class.

I hate running.

I finally got there with seconds to spare. When I rushed in, all eyes were on me.

"Hey! What's your name?" A kid in the back called out. He had curly blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Somebody who's out of your league," I said walking to the right side of the room to sit. Everyone was laughing at him.

"It's okay, hot stuff. I'll get you some time." He said winking.

I  gag at his comment. As I sat down, all I heard were whispers surrounding me. I put in my earbuds and blasted music until class was over.

I went to my locker to get my books. I look to my left to see Golden Boy walking down the hall with his earbuds in. He didn't have his award-winning smile on like usual.

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