Chapter 22: The Result

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"Yeah I know Mom. I'll be back by next week." I roll my eyes at my mother's nagging. Ever since they got back from their trip, they want to start acting like they actually care about Hayden and I. But in reality, Hayden and I haven't heard an 'I love you' from them once.

"Micah. You shouldn't be focusing on this girl so much. Your father and I decided....that you should focus on running the business."

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "The business that almost killed you and dad? Hm. I don't think so." They've always pressured me into their business. I just didn't have a desire like my parents did.

"Micah, we've talked about this-"

Alex came in stumbling with a liquor bottle in her right hand and a old antique box in the other. Her beautiful messy hair was still messy but was messier than when I saw her before she left. Her eyes and cheeks were puffy from crying.

"I'll call you back." I hung up the phone and threw it on the dresser to focus on Alex. "Alex, what happened?"

She took a swig from the large bottle and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and giggled. "Golden Boy, why are you so nice to me?"

I got up from the bed and grabbed her wrist to sit down. She reeked of alcohol but still looked stunning. I grab the bottle from her grip and set it down on the dresser so she wouldn't abuse it again. "Alex, tell me what happened."

"Ryland gave me this box filled with pictures of me as a kid. My dad took them all and left me a letter." She handed me the box and got up to grab more liquor from the dresser.

I opened the box to see pictures of Alex as a kid playing on the swing set. In each picture she wore a happy toothy grin. I grab the letter and began to read:

Dear My Sweet Alexandria,

If you are reading this, I have died. I want to make this letter to let you know that I didn't want to leave you. I will always love you, even if you might hate me. Your mother was an ill woman. After she gave birth to you, she was back on the streets using drugs. I tried to make her stop. I started to take pictures of you with my polaroid to show her what she was risking by using drugs. But the usual, she didn't listen.

One day I came home to your loud cry in the bedroom. I rushed to your side and stopped you from crying. Your mother was on the floor passed out on who knows what drug at the time. I woke her up and told her to get help and to go to rehab. She wouldn't listen. Instead she was filled with anger and she had a restraining order on me. I never got to see you after that.

When your mother died, I tried everything in my power to find you but I couldn't. It was a closed adoption. Alex, please don't think I never loved you. I had sleepless nights knowing you were out there in somebody else's arms. If you are somehow reading this, You will always be my little baby girl and I will never stop loving you.


I took a deep breath trying to process the information filled letter I had just read. I look up from the letter to see Alex's face had a stream of tears going down her cheeks. She chugged the last of the liquor that was left and threw the glass bottle over her shoulder. I scoot towards her and enveloped her in a hug. She sobbed into my chest as I rubbed her back in circular motions.

After she stopped crying, she sat up and wiped her puffy eyes of tears. I tucked her black curls away from her face to see a clear view of her face. She was gorgeous as usual, even if she's blackout drunk.

"I wish I met my father. I didn't know my mother forced him out of my life. I just thought I was unlovable. I wish my father was alive and that I wasn't such a screw up." She said as a few tears drop down her cheeks.

I wipe the tears off her cheek. "You didn't know the whole story. It isn't your fault that your mother hid your father away from you. Don't blame yourself because of someone else's wrongdoing."

She started to sniffle. "I don't deserve to have a friend like you. I don't deserve Jonathan either."


Did that hurt?

Yeah, that kind of hurt.

I grab her soft hands into mine to grab her attention. "Alex. You deserve everything in this world. You deserve to be happy and surrounded by people that love you. In reality Alex, I didn't deserve to meet a person like you. I don't know what I would've been like if I never have met you." I caressed her cheek. She stared at me as I spoke, but all I thought about was kissing her.

Selfish much?

Yeah, I know.

"Micah, Why do you like me?" She asked with curiosity.

Her question caught me off guard. I looked away from her to hide my blushing cheeks.

How could I not like her? She is everything I want. She didn't see me differently because of my parents' wealth or that I was a complete mess. She calls me out when I act foolish and holds me to my actions. She's perfect for me.

But now she's with Jonathan so I have to stay in my place.

"You had a lot to drink tonight. Let's get you to bed and then we can talk about it in the morning." I was basically praying she wouldn't remember in the morning.

She gave me a small smile. Her smile was small, but it still melted my heart all over again. I pulled the sheets over her and got up from the bed to sleep on the couch.

"Can you sleep here with me tonight?" She spoke quietly from the piles of pillows behind her.

My cheeks turned red hot. "Don't you think that Jonathan would have a problem with that?"

She pulled a sheet over her and starts to pat on top of the sheet. "Now there's a barrier." She looked at me as I looked unconvinced. "Please? I just don't want to be alone." She jutted her bottom lip out, acting like a child. I sigh and slid into the bed next to her warm body. Her eyes fluttered closed and was soon into a deep sleep.

My phone starts to ring from the dresser. I turn to the dresser and grunt at the sight of the Caller ID. I picked up the phone and spoke. "What do you want, Jonathan?"

"Micah. Give my girlfriend the phone." He demanded.

He sounded mad but I didn't have the time or patience to deal with him today. "Dude, she's asleep."

"Fine." He let out a groan. "You better of not made a move on Alex. If I find out you did, I will hurt you. She's mine and only mine, Skye."

I sat up and slowly walked to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake up Alex. "Jonathan, she isn't yours. She's a human being and she isn't some toy that you can use. I don't know if you realize this yet but she doesn't need you or me in that matter. She is her own person. Treat her like one or lose her to someone else." I hung up the phone and tipped toed back to bed quickly to make sure Alex didn't realize I was gone. I slip back into bed and admired Alex's beauty as she slept.

I know what you're thinking, Micah that's creepy. But she's so gorgeous. How can you not?

Sure, Alex drives me insane, but she sure knows how to steal a guy's heart.

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