Chapter 13: Scaredy Cats

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"I'm glad you're attending our class today, Miss. Promise." Mr. Hayes said with amusement. I ignored his commentary and went to take my seat in the back.

As I got to my seat, I see Micah dressed in his usual attire but it seemed like he was back to his charismatic self. He had his earbuds in and tapping his feet. I couldn't help but noticed how weird it was that he wasn't annoying me anymore.

"Hello? Earth to dork?" Raven waved her hand in my face which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Why are you staring at my boyfriend?"

I forgot that I was basically staring him down and stopped. "Your what?" I asked cautiously putting my stuff down under my chair.

"You didn't hear? Micah and I are a thing now!" She enthusiastically said while rubbing Micah's back. "Isn't that right babe?"

Micah looked up at her with a big grin and kissed her cheek. "Sure." He smirked at me, acting as if he won an argument. But little did he know I didn't care. The only thing I cared about is our project.

"Congrats. Just make sure you give me your first part of the project." I sat down in my chair and plugged in my earbuds to drain out Raven's cackle in the background.

I hate Chemistry class.


As I sit down with my usual BLT lunch, I could feel the tension between Phoenix and Meredith and it was suffocating.

"So...What's with the elephant in the room?" Jackson sat down with his hamburger and looked between Phoenix and Meredith. Jackson had no filter.

"The only elephant in the room is Meredith." Phoenix sneered. Meredith shot her a death glare.

"I'm obviously not an elephant if I actually made the cheer team.....unlike you." Meredith hissed.

"Just because you're on the cheer team doesn't mean you actually have talent, sis." Phoenix snapped as she threw her sandwich down on the table.

"How many state championships have you won? Oh right. None. Just like you have no eyebrows!" Meredith barked, still giving Phoenix a death glare.

"Woah, chill out Meredith." Noah ordered as he rubbed Phoenix's leg.

I look around to see everyone at the table with discomfort painted on their face. Even Jackson is uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Noah, shut up! You should be happy because you have her all to yourself now." Meredith snapped with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Meredith, is this all over that petty comment this morning?" Harlow scoff in disbelief.

"Yes it is." She turned towards Phoenix. "I was there for you through thick and thin, but you didn't have the decency to acknowledge I was there for you. It felt like you left me in the dark like I was nothing to you." Meredith replied with tears running down her face. I could see she was angry but she was mostly upset.

"Mer.. I'm sorry. After my parent's divorce, I thought that you were gonna leave too. I didn't want to get hurt again so I kind of grew distant." Phoenix spoke softly. She hung her head but you could see tears streaming down her face. "I'm just like my dad I guess."

Meredith got up out of her chair and move seats to sit next to Phoenix. "You're not like your father. Because if you were, you wouldn't be an amazing woman like you are today. Also, I'm not going to leave. Even if you are conjoined by the hip with this loser." Meredith pointed towards Noah as he rolled his eyes.

Phoenix laughed softly as she wiped her tears away. Meredith and Phoenix hugged, which set everyone's worry at ease.

"What type of conversation did y'all have this morning to cause this?" Jackson asked as he finished up his burger.

"Oh it was about you." Harlow replied unconsiously. Once she realized she had messed up, she clasped her hands over her mouth.

"Harlow!" Meredith screeched from across the table. "It was nothing, Jackson." She assured him with a sheepish grin.

"Meredith likes you. She's always have liked you since we've been kids." Jonathan said as he refocuses back on his drawing book. Maybe Jackson isn't the only one without a filter.

Everyone's eyes focuses on Meredith whose face couldn't be any more red than it is now. The lunch table fell silent to give Meredith time to find the right the words to say at that moment.

"I'm taking a risk by saying this but I really do like you Jackson." Meredith stated confidently.

Jackson's face went red at Meredith's confession and stood up quickly. "Meredith, can we talk?" He started to bite his lip with nervousness.

Meredith nods and left with Jackson to go to the hallway. As she looked back with uncertainty, I shot her a thumbs up with a vote of confidence. I was truly proud of her.

"We taught her well." Harlow said as she wiped an imaginary tear off her cheek. The table erupted into laughter.

"So how did you know Meredith liked Jackson?" I asked Jonathan. I scooted towards his seat to see him sketching out a tree that was familar.

"It was easy. She can't flirt and Jackson liked her back. I just needed the best time expose them both." He explained as he finished the drawing of the tree.

"Wait-How did you know Jackson liked Mer?" I asked with curosity filling my voice.

"We're brothers. I've always knew. I couldn't tell them both because their both scaredy cats." He chuckled as he closed his drawing book.

Before I could ask about the tree, the hallway door opened and revealed Meredith and Jackson hands laced together. The girls at the table couldn't help but say 'aw' at the sight. As they sat down, the table was back talking again but with Jackson and Meredith looking happier than before, which made me want that happiness too.

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