Chapter 1: Glitter For Good Luck

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"Alex! Get ready for school!" My mother screams from the kitchen.

I hate school.

What's the purpose of school? I know it's supposed to prepare us for our future jobs, but I still don't want to go.

I rolled over and stared at the blank ceiling. I don't want to go to a prestigious school with a bunch of stuck up people. That's just not what I do.

"Alexandria Kara Promise, if you aren't up in the next five minutes. You'll regret it!" She threatened me.

She's such a bluff. She's a sweetheart and she would never do anything. I roll back over on my stomach to continue my beauty sleep.

My beauty sleep was soon interrupted by ice cubes and cold water being poured on my face. I shot up in an instant. I stood up and tried to shake all the ice cubes out of my shirt. I should've gotten ready for school.

"I told you to get up! Now get dressed and help your sister get ready for the day." My mom said laughing. She picked up the ice bucket and walked right out of my room.

I shook my head and got ready for school. I put my cold wet black curls up in a big bun. I didn't have time to blow dry it out, thanks to my mother.

I put on my black ripped jeans with a red velvet crop top. I brushed my teeth and wash my face. I put on my all-white NMDS and headed to my sister's room. That's when I got ambushed with glitter.

Glitter was everywhere. It was mostly on my clothes but the rest of it was on the floor.

"Celeste! What the heck?!?" I said while trying to wipe most of the glitter off. Most of it stayed on like glue.


"It's glitter for good luck." She twirled around in her pink tutu and giggled.

Gosh, aren't we opposites?

"Let's just do your hair for school, okay?" I really couldn't yell at her. She's just trying to be positive through this whole transition of schools. I couldn't blame her.

I put her light brown curls into a sleek high ponytail. I wrapped a big shiny pink bow around her hair. Just for some good luck. I slicked her edges down on her caramel skin and got her ready to go downstairs.

"Ready, chica?" I said holding out my hand.

She grabbed my hand. "Sí." She skipped all the way to the kitchen while I just walked.

"Aww! Look at my girls! We have to take pictures!" My mom said while setting our breakfast down. She loved taking pictures, so she can show her friends from back home.

I shook my head and finished my bowl of grits. "Not happening." I threw my bowl in the sink and started to walk towards the car. "Celeste, I'll be in the car when you're done." I grabbed my car keys and headed out to my beautiful car. Her name is Brier.

Brier is my shiny black Lexus. She was a new addition to the family last year. I never let anyone drive her except me. Like ever.

I turn my car on, which was music to my ears. I started to play my favorite playlist for the day.

What felt like an eternity, my sister finally came in the car with her lunch. So, we left the house and was on our way to Parker Elementary.

"So, how are you feeling about your new school?" I said while looking out at the road.

"I'm okay with it. Mommy told me that I would get a lot of toys for Christmas because of it."

But I get my phone taken for six months because I asked what's for dinner. Sounds even. I totally think that's fair.

"I just miss Daddy." She said looking down at her pink car seat.

After her mom adopted me when I was 7, she got married. Two years later, Celeste was born. When Celeste was 6, her dad was in a bad car accident. That's why Mom is always scared of me driving alone. He was on life support for a very long time, until.........last year Mom had to pull the plug because he was diagnosed brain dead. It has been a year since it happened, and I can see that Celeste really misses him. My heart ached for her. I miss my birth parents sometimes, but I'm usually filled with anger most times.

"I know you do, but you will always have Mommy and I. We love you, Celeste." I reassured her knowing that's what I wanted to hear at her age.

We got to her school and parked in the car line. "Bye Alex! Love you!" Celeste jumped out of the car and skipped her way to class. I really do love my sister. I swerved out of the car line and drove to school.

I got to school and parked horribly in the second row of the parking lot. I don't even care at this point. So, I got out and locked the car. I start to walk to school when all I hear behind me is whistling. I turn around to see a group of guys gawking at me. I roll my eyes and play Khalid through my earbuds.

I have to go to the councilor's office to get my schedule. As I was walking to the office, I could hear faint whispers outside of my earbuds. I turn around to see a group of girls whispering. Some had blonde hair with blue eyes. Your basic barbies.

"What's your name?" One of the Barbies spoke, but she was different from the rest. She was taller than me. She was a brunette that had different colored eyes: one brown and one green. She dressed in a red velvet dress with fishnet tights. She wore black high heels like she ran the place. Hopefully, we don't bump heads.

Keyword: Hopefully

"Alex." I said pausing my song.

"Hey Alex! I'm Raven and this is my little circle of friends." She said smiling with her pearly white teeth. When she said 'circle', I knew I needed to go. Who even talks like that?

"Mhm." I nod, trying to find an excuse. "Well, I can't talk right now, because I have to go get my schedule."

"Well, it was nice to meet you."

"It wasn't likewise," I mutter under my breath as I walked away. I'm not here to make friends. Just trying to get out of high school.

I finally got to the councilor's office and found my schedule with a lilac sticky note on it. "Have a great day! You'll love it here! ~Principal Azalea."

Ha, that's a funny statement. I won't ever like it here.

I checked my schedule and saw that I had AP Government first period. I groan as I left the office.

I can't wait until this day is over.

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