Chapter 12: Reasons

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"Alex, is that you?" She wiped her mascara filled tears off her cheek.

I closed the door behind me and shuffled towards the wooden dinner table. I set my keys down and sat down next to her. We sat in silence until she spoke again. "I broke up with Matthew." Her voice croaked.

"Why?" I asked, I look up from my hands up to her stained cheeks.

"I don't want you to think that you and Celeste weren't my first priority. I would do absolutely anything for you guys because I love you guys so much. I just didn't want you to feel abandoned again." She broke out into another cry again, into the same tissue she's been clenching on to since I've been here.

"We were both frustrated and things were said that we both didn't mean. I understand." I scoot towards her and gave her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, Alex." She sniffled. She wiped her remaining tears and held her head up. "You know you're still grounded though, right?"

"Yeah, I know." I laughed. I pushed away from the table and started to walk up the stairs. "Goodnight Mom."

"Goodnight love." She stood up and started to clean the dinner table from tissues.

I got up to my room and changed into pajamas for bed. While I was getting ready for bed, I got a text:

I hope you made it home safe. I can pick you up tomorrow if you'd like.

I started to grin and replied back in agreement for tomorrow. I turn my phone off and turn to my side to fall asleep.


"Buenas Dias Chica!" Harlow yelled from the back of the car. I couldn't help but laugh at her greetings as I sat in the front seat.

"Lo, you've never taken Spanish in your life." Phoenix started to laugh.

"Oh really? ¿Comó estás?" She stated proudly.

"Mis amigos son muy despistado pero los amo." I turn around to see Harlow's reaction, but I was met with confused faces.

"You speak Spanish! That's so cool!" Jackson said with excitement. Harlow nods enthusiastically.

It's not like I had a choice to learn Spanish. I was in foster care until I was five. On the way, I was placed in Spanish speaking homes. I just picked up on some words. "Just a little not a lot." I shrug and turn towards Jonathan who had a smirk on his face.

"También." He whispered low enough so I could only hear. I giggle and tune back into the group's discussion.

"So I wanted to invite everyone to my lacrosse game tomorrow." Jackson said while fixing his hair.

Meredith gaze at him in awe. "Of course I'll come- I mean we'll come."

"Sick. That's awesome." He smiled and plugged back in his earbuds. Harlow nudged Meredith in the shoulder, which turned her bright red.

We got to school and parked in the front of the parking lot. As everyone flooded out of the car like routine, Jonathan grabbed my arm before I got out. "If you ever need a breather, text me. We can just sit outside for a while."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks, Jonathan." I grab my bag and caught up to Meredith and Harlow.

"I'm sorry Mer, but you need to tell him how you feel about him. It's been forever!" Harlow commanded.

"Don't you think I want to?" Meredith sighed. "Every time I try, it's never the right timing."

"I think you should take the risk. He probably knows already because you're not the best at flirting. Not all boys are clueless." Noah said from behind us. We turn around to face him and Phoenix holding hands.

"Not everyone can be as open as you guys." Harlow crossed her arms across her chest.

"Well, I'm glad I was. It turned out he was the bestfriend that I never had." Phoenix reached up on her tippy toes and kissed Noah on the cheek. Harlow made a gagging noise at Phoenix's rebuttal and I couldn't help but laugh.

I look over to Meredith to see a hurt expression on her face."Okay, we get it Phoenix! Noah is your only bestfriend that was there for you. He was there for you when your dad left your mom for another woman. He was there for you throughout everything. Oh wait?" She scratched her chin for emphasis.

"That wasn't him! That was me! Not everyone can be perfect like you two and be conjoined by the hip every single dying moment." Meredith exasperated. She looked around to see everyone in the crowded hallway looking at her. She ignored the stares and stomped past Phoenix with a single tear falling down on her cheek.


I turn to Phoenix to see if she was okay but she disappeared as Noah was gone too. I wanted to run after them both but I knew I needed to get to class.

I grab Harlow and headed to first period together with the only thought running through my head:

what was that about?

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