Chapter 14: Dreams Come True

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"So are you ready for the game today?" Meredith asks as she got into Jonathan's car.

The girls and I got ready at my house to make sure we had cute outfits for today's game.

Jackson nods and kisses her on the cheek. Meredith bit back a smile but everyone knew she's always wanted this.

"Who do you play against today?" Harlow asks as she crawls into the back seat.

"Mountain Tigers. Their undefeated in their region." Noah replied anxiously.

"Are you ready for the game?" I asked examining Jonathan.

"I guess so." He shrugged as he used one hand to push a dark strand of hair from his face. Even driving, he still got my undivided attention.

"He better be. He's starting in the playoffs. If he doesn't play good this game, we won't be able to advance." Noah chimed in as he wrapped his arm around Phoenix's shoulder.

"So what made you dress up?" Jonathan asks as he ignores Noah's threat.

I glance down at my yellow crop top and shorts and smile. "I'm not dressed up, this is very casual."

He started to smirk as he was turning into the parking lot. "Oh really? I thought you dressed up just for me."

"In your dreams." I snorted.

"It just might be." He whispered in my ear as he parked by the field. My cheeks turn a shade of pink at his comment.

Everyone started to flood out the car to grab seats for the game. As I sat with the other girls, all I could think about was how great Jonathan was.

"So, Alex, what is going on with you and Jonathan?" Meredith asked as she sipped her water. "Are you dating yet?"

"Oh, nothing is going on. Just really good friends." I smiled as Jonathan hit the field for warm ups.

"Oh! They have candy in the concession stands now, let's go Mer!" Harlow squeals with excitement in her voice. She then frantically grabbed her purse and also grabbed Meredith's wrist.

"Harlow, we have a cheer competition next week. We have to eat healthy!" Meredith nagged as she swept a short blonde strand behind her ear.

"I don't care. I need sugar in my system." Harlow whines as she stomps her foot on the silver bleachers.

"Fine. But we are burning all of this off tomorrow at the gym!" Meredith commands as she gets drags away in Harlow's death grip.

The game start and the Mountain Tigers start to win by two points. The team grew nervous and start to doubt their teammates. Jonathan didn't break his façade of confidence. That's one of his best qualities. I mean he has more qualities like he ca-

"Alex." Phoenix jokes as she snaps me out of my thoughts. "I know when something is going on with Jonathan. So you might as well tell me now before I expose both of you."

I shake my head. "There's nothing going on. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. Plus, we just met like a week ago." I turn back to the game to see Jonathan trash talking the other team. This is a new side of him I've never seen before.

"Well if you guys ever do, make sure he tells you about Rowan." Phoenix insists as she put on her sunglasses.

Who was she talking about?


"Alex, you should've came with us. They had so much candy!" Harlow squeals as she took a seat next to me.

I laugh and focus back on the game to see Jonathan score a goal. The crowd goes wild as the rest of the team cheers him on. I might not know much about Lacrosse, but I knew Jonathan had talent.


It's fourth quarter and it's all tied up 14-14. Noah started to shout on the side line, which made Phoenix laugh because he acts more like a coach than the actual coach does. Jonathan and Jackson came out with the same expression on their face: determination.

"If they lose this, Jonathan will never hear the end of this from Noah. They need to win this." Phoenix muttered as she bit on her pink nails.

I was too anxious to say anything but I nod my head and focused on Jonathan getting set to play his heart out.

Jonathan catches the ball from Jackson and scores before he is hit to the ground. Once again, the crowd goes crazy and fills the air with joy because of the victory. The girls and I run down to the field to congratulate them on their win.

I seek Jonathan through the crowd talking to one of the Mountain Tigers teammates. He spots me waiting for him and excuses himself from the conversation. He jogs over and picked me up in a big sweaty hug.

"You're so sweaty. Let me down." I complain into his sweaty jersey.

"Not until you say I'm the best lacrosse player in the world."

"Never." I giggle as he picks me up higher and throws me over his shoulder. I groan and gave up. "You're the best lacrosse player in the world."

He finally lets go of his grip and put me back on the ground. I look down at my clothes that are now cover in smudges of dirt and groan. "You got dirt all over me."

He pushes his sweaty dark brown hair back and smiles. "I'm always covered in dirt. Look at my face."

I start to wipe the excess dirt off his face until I realize how close we are to each other. His emerald eyes start to sparkle as he grabs my waist. Everyone talking in the background cease in noise as he gets closer and closer.

His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. "Alex?"

"Yeah?" I say breathlessly as I swept a black curl behind my ear in nervousness.

"Will you go out with me?"

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