Colorful autumn skies Larry Johnson x reader

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Eyyyyy I know I said I was taking a break but my mind kept flowing and I couldn't stop myself from writing this. CURSE YOU BRAIN! Anyway enjoy

This one is gunna be very scrappy and bad so.... sorry xD


Reader's P.O.V

The dull sky same as every other autumn day, rain pouring down to the earth the sound of its pitter pattering hitting the cold hard ground like a drum. The end of summer a distant memory only cold wet days remain before the world freezes over until spring comes again, I can feel the frost on the tips of my toes as I trudge through the thick mud. Bare feet pressed firmly down with each step causing the mud to stick to my feet with a sickening squish, my hair sticking to my face as I walk with no real destination in mind. It wasn't as if it mattered anymore, everything was falling to its end. Once colorful skies no longer filling hearts with joy, only an overwhelming air of gloom. Everything I had once known gone in an instant, words left unsaid leaving a bitter taste in my dry mouth. Lips cracking in the cold air, so dry compared to the frosty moist air. I didn't understand how it got like this, I didn't want to know either.

Remembering only nothing but a cold reminder filled with dismal misery, the air I breathe begins to burn in my lungs. I find myself standing there in front of that same building, one I had promised I'd stay away from. I knew if my father I was out like this he'd freak out and lock me away in my room for good, I feared it so much but I couldn't turn away. He didn't know yet, the fires that consumed my life the sadness trailing in the back of my mind. He didn't need to know the truth behind my eyes not yet at least, all he needed to know is I am here standing in front of his window with a soulless gaze. He was the only one who could turn a desolate dark autumn day become a bright wonderland, just in those paintings he'd always do. He didn't know I was here, nor did he need to know for now. Falling to my knee's I lay down on my stomach staring in that small window, his back turned away as he paint's on his canvas. Beautiful colors mixing together making a portrait of his own design, his creative being shining through with each individual stroke of his paint brush.

He didn't know me, not really that is. We'd see each other in the halls of school sparing nothing but a glance or a few words, he didn't know I'd come here to watch him paint often. Even though my father took away my shoes, covered the floors in tac's and burned my coats. I still came to watch him pain, I still feel the warm blood on the soles of my feet. He'd find out I had left soon enough by the trail of blood going out the front door, my foot prints washed away by the ran leaving no trace in the mud. He didn't know where I went when I disappeared, he just knew he didn't want me there and told me to stay away. Oh, if he only knew the truth of disappearances, maybe things would be a little different. Leaning my head against the palm of my hand I continue to watch him examining the painting on his easel, my heart wretches at the painting sitting there. It wasn't like any of his other paintings, It was so different from the others.

Beautiful gray skies being broken through by amber gold hues of sunlight, leaves of autumn hues blowing in the wind. But none of that is what truthfully got me, it was the girl in his painting that really got me. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes and pale (s/c) skin, she looks uncannily like myself which is a surprising change in paintings. As he completes the final strokes on the girl's hair he stands up from his stool standing there for a moment before his eyes shift over meeting mine, I remain frozen staring at him not daring to move an inch. His face shows no sign of fear or confusion, he just has a cheesy smile across his face. Turning he walks out of the view of the window leaving me to wonder where he went when I hear the creek of a door, jolting to my feet I look to the back door of the apartment building only to see him standing there holding the door open.

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