"Bhaabhi you have nothing to be ashamed about. You were right, I was responsible for her leaving the city, I had upset her, and that's why I had to bring her back, for my own peace of mind" said Omkara.

Annika gave him a searching look, but did not pursue the topic, well aware of Omkara and Gauri's unusual "non-existent" marriage. 

"Well, I'm relieved that you don't hold me in contempt for that unreasonable friction between us. I am so happy today, my life is complete. I never thought I will regain everything I lost, but Shivaay made it possible. Where I lost all hope, he didn't give up, for me" said Annika, and saying so she nodded at Omkara, and left the room. 

'Where I lost hope, he didn't give up, for me' 

Wasn't that sounding too familiar for Omkara? He had lost himself, after his mother's suicide, but one by one all his problems faded away, his mother grew stronger, his sister's life was saved, Svetlana was out of his life, his art was resurrected....but no, it was not because she had done so much for him, it was because she represented hope and optimism and sheer joy, that Omkara never had, that he......

Omkara didn't complete that thought, because he felt a little afraid to even say in his mind what Gauri meant to him. 

But he wanted her to know that, without his saying, he wanted her to feel that. How? If an entire collection of paintings born out of his mind, blood and sweat, dedicated to her, did not convince her, then what would? 


Dadi had assembled the family in the hall. Again Pinky was missing, not because she didn't want to be there, but because she knew that no one will take to her presence kindly. 

"I am so happy to see my family happy and complete. Just look at the coincidence, that Annika and Gauri are long-lost sisters, and both married to my grandsons" said Dadi happily, oblivious to the awkwardness on everyone's faces around. 

Gauri and Omkara's marriage was a big question mark, and the matter had not been given proper thought, with Annika's accident and later the news of her being Annika's lost sister, occupying everyone's mind. 

Gauri hoped that a hole would open up and she could sink into it. While she was feeling embarrassed and slightly angry because she had still not gotten over the fact that Omkaraji had conducted the exhibition to bring her back for Jiji, Omkara on the other hand was looking at Gauri intensely to gauge her reaction, and it was not promising. Of course, he himself didn't like Dadi ignoring the fact, that they were never properly married, and were now divorced, but for him it was more on the grounds of respecting someone's agency, not because he didn't want to stay with Gauri. But what does Gauri think?

"I was thinking that such good fortune has favored us finally, we should thank the God for his blessings. So I was proposing that day after tomorrow we have a havan in the morning, and a Ratjaga at night, and we should announce formally to the public that Annika and Gauri are sisters" said Dadi.

Everybody agreed with Dadi, and Shivaay immediately set his staff to work for organizing the same. 

After this family 'meeting', Gauri went to the guest room, to call Dandi bhaiyaa. She barely got a few minutes last night to tell him that she was safe and in the Oberoi mansion. He deserved better than that, and Gauri narrated to him fully about what happened at the exhibition. 

"Sister I am so happy for you that you found your sister. After all the traumas you have seen in your life, you deserve this happiness. I am also glad and honored that you called me to tell me of the news before you even informed your mother. She will be so happy for you. Sister, I wish I could come now.." said Dandi, but Gauri cut him off.

"No, no Dandi bhaiyaa, I understand. Work is important too, finish your tour, there is only a little over a week left. Come back to Mumbai after that, and we'll celebrate Raksha Bandhan together" said Gauri 

After the heartening conversation with Dandi bhaiyaa, Gauri called up her mother and spoke for over an hour, telling her about all that happened. Her mother couldn't believe it at first, and was very happy for Gauri. 

Gauri reassured her though, that whatever happens, she will always be her mother and her late father would always be her actual father. Their bond was beyond blood. Gauri wanted her mother to come and meet her, but her mother wasn't feeling up to travel so they decided to postpone it for a while. 

Gauri disconnected the call, and realized that she had been talking for hours on the phone. It was almost afternoon now. 

Her heart was overwhelmed for all that she had received by Shankarji's grace. But on the back of her mind was the thought, that maybe Shankarji introduced her to Omkaraji, so that she could live to see this day, so that she could help him and his mother, and finally meet her sister. 

Was it a sign from her lord? Was Omkaraji's entry in her life only to help her find her sister, or was it something more? And what would she do about it? 

How long would she and Omkaraji do a back and forth in their relation? And who was that girl in his paintings? Was it.....no, it could not be her...Omkaraji did the exhibition for his sister-in-law to locate her sister. Gauri was aspiring too hard to think that it was for her. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now