"Maia?" I turned around to see who was calling me.

"Sabrina and Vanessa? It's been a long time!" These two were my best friends since childhood. We kind of went out separate ways after graduation.

"I know. How have you been?" Sabrina asked.

"By God's grace, I'm doing pretty well. I have a small family as you can see. What about you two?"

"Well, we recently finished medical school like we originally planned and enter residency. We're sorry about Zahair. We heard from one of his old friends what happened. How are you handling everything?" Vanessa wondered.

"My parents and brothers are still around to help me if I need assistance. I sustain myself with my business, ICY."

"You own that company?" She looked shocked.

"Yeah. We're steadily rising to the top." I humbly replied.

"That's nice. Look, we have to go but it was great seeing you." Sabrina uttered.

"You guys should stop by the store one of these days."

"We'll see." They breezed past Benita, who I didn't notice standing there. She had a certain look on her face, but she didn't say anything as we left.

When we got to McDonald's, Benita got a Big Mac meal, while I ordered the double quarter pounder with cheese combo. For the kids, I requested the same thing for both of them: six piece chicken nuggets, apple slices, and milk jugs. Benita took the trays to a booth in a corner of the restaurant and I got our drinks; of course I got a Sprite and she wanted Fanta.

After giving the kids their food on the stroller's trays, Benita and I had our own food.

"Is being a mother as easy as you make it appear?"

"How do I make it look easy?"

"They haven't acted up all day and they're so respectable towards each other."

"Motherhood is definitely hard, but it's an experience that any woman will love and treasure for the rest of her life. You just need a positive attitude, support, and an open heart."

"For sure. Oh my God!"

"What?" I looked at her in concern.

"Don't tell anyone, but I think Kobe has a tracking device on me because he always knows where to find me even when I don't tell him."

"How do you know?"

"The Big Three are coming up behind you." I realized her words were true when I saw the boys come up beside me.

"Hey baby. What's up Maia?"

"I'm cool. What's up with you?"

"I'm gucci. I'm just doing my best in taking care of your friend."

"Better be."

"So, y'all don't see me?" Kareem complained.

"I could never forget about you, Kareem the Supreme." I laughed.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Scoot over."

"Hey baby girl. Hi Lauryn and Joshua." Kyrie embraces me. Lozza just waved her hand and continued eating, while Joshua actually replied as he played with his Avengers toy.

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