Chapter 43

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  The next morning Maya wakes up to the sunshine entering through the windows and the comfort in laying on Josh's bed. The only thing that would've made her morning wake-up better was if Josh had waken up next to her, but he had refused to sleep in the same bed with her again until their wedding night. Instead, last night, he insisted upon sleeping on the floor and letting Maya take his bed for the night.

  Rolling over on his bed, she peers down at the floor and spots Josh still asleep. How he is able to sleep on the hard floor comfortably and soundly, she will have to wait to ask him until he wakes up for the day.

  She gets out of the bed and steps carefully over Josh's body in order to get her phone atop one of the two desks in the room. When she turns on the lock screen, she reads the time: 9:20 am. She gasps and immediately covers her mouth at the realization that her gasp has the potential to wake up Josh. 

  Setting her phone back on the desk, she goes to kneel next to Josh's sleeping body. She debates whether or not to wake him up. She's already late to school, and she doesn't particularly care about attending. However, she knows Josh has a quiz in one of his classes today, but she has no idea when the class is. If it's an afternoon class, then Josh remains on the safe side. But if it's a morning class, then this could be a problem. 

  Deciding to be brave, Maya nudges Josh's shoulder slightly. He doesn't even move a little bit at her nudge, which gives Maya the implication that Josh is a heavy sleeper. She nudges his shoulder again a little harder this time, but still nothing. 

  She decides she's going to make a bold move in waking up her boyfriend. She leans down and presses her lips against his and waits for a response. However, Josh remains motionless. 

  She decides on a Plan B bold move. She leans down, presses her lips against his, and dodges her tongue into his mouth. Naturally, he grips behind her neck, and he pulls her in deeper for the kiss. The two of them wrap their arms around one another and passionately kiss each other for a couple minutes. 

  After the minutes are up, Josh distances his face from hers by a half inch and appears to be sleeping yet again. Maya has no idea how a guy can possibly sleep through multiple nudges on the shoulder, a peck on the lips, and a short make-out session. 

  Standing up from sitting on the floor, Maya peers down at Josh and wonders what the heck she should do about her boyfriend. She wants to believe that his quiz is in the afternoon, but the sinking possibility of him missing his quiz continues to creep into her thoughts.

  If he missed this quiz, it would be her fault. She's the one that dragged him out of her apartment and ranted on about her mother, which caused him to feel bad for her and let her stay in his room for the night. If it wasn't for her issues with her mother, then the possibility of his academic performance slipping wouldn't be on the line right now.

  After contemplating her options for several more minutes, Maya gives up on being able to do anything about Josh possibly missing his quiz. Whenever he wakes up, she knows he won't blame her for not taking a quiz. She doesn't like that he'll be completely okay with it because she'll feel guilty, but she knows their relationship will be okay. She supposes that's what really matters right now and in the long run.

  Grabbing her phone from the desk, she steps over Josh and sits cross-legged on his bed. She responds to a couple texts from Riley. The first text was sweet and thoughtful, but the second was worrisome since it was an hour later.

Riley:  Good morning, bestie.

Riley:  Maya? Where are you? Is everything okay?

Maya:  Hey, Riles. Everything is fine. I'm just skipping school today.

Riley:  Why are you skipping?

Maya:  Issues with my mom.

  As Maya pressed send, she justified her answer to Riley's question. The whole reason she had ended up skipping did go back to her mother getting onto her about her homework. Even though spending the night at Josh's place was not technically necessary in regards to the issues with her mom, she feels like it relates closely enough to the issues with her mom.

  Before Maya can overthink her justification anymore, Riley sends another text.

Riley:  So, because you're having issues with your mom, you want to skip school and stay at home where your mom is?

  Maya hesitates on whether or not she should tell Riley that she's actually at Josh's dorm. She thinks back to when the two of them had broken off their friendship twice; she really doesn't want something else hindering their relationship. She better tell her best friend the truth about where she's at.

Maya:  I'm not at home.

  She had decided to send that response since that way Maya would not be lying to her best friend, but she would not outright be declaring that she's in her boyfriend's room. However, Riley questions where she's at.

Riley:  Where are you then?

  Releasing a sigh, Maya peers down at her sleeping boyfriend before typing out the full truth.

Maya:  I'm in Josh's room.

Riley:  Doesn't Josh have classes?

Maya:  Yeah, he does. I don't think he has any morning classes, though.

Riley:  Well, that's good. That would be quite unfortunate for him.

  Attempting to block out the guilt for Josh sleeping in and possibly missing a quiz, Maya presses on and types out her next response to Riley.

Maya:  Yeah, it would be. 

Riley:  Well, I better actually pay attention to the lecture now. I do want to talk with you about this later, though. But of course, only if you're okay with that!!

Maya:  Yeah, we can talk later. Bay window tonight?

Riley:  Sounds good.

Maya:  And hey, could I spend the night with you tonight as well?

  Thinking of how she ran out on her mother last night, Maya definitely does not want to spend the night at her own apartment. Even though she knows she'll have to face her mother eventually, she wants to prolong that interaction for as long as she possibly can.

Riley:  Of course, peaches. You never have to ask that.

Maya:  I just wanted to make sure.

Riley:  Love you, girly.

Maya:  Love you back, Riles.

The Fight For Love (Joshaya)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن