Chapter 18 - Used Chains

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"Maybe I shouldn't have said that," I said quickly. "I'm sorry."

"Leave," the words hit me hard as he stood there. "Now." I turned around and left, running down to my room and almost slamming the door when I realized that it was still not even 4 in the morning and everyone else was still asleep. 

I didn't fall back asleep, and I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of my existence until I remembered that Mr. Thein had told me that I needed to talk to some of his people to get everything started. 

Groaning, I got out of bed and showered, getting ready for my day and walking down to get some food. Marcus and Lukas were standing at the door together, but I didn't even glance over at them. If Marcus wanted to throw me out like a dog, then he wasn't going to be getting any kind of treatment from me. 

After I grabbed some breakfast and made some small talk with Marissa, I heard Robert welcoming someone and decided that I should go out and join them. Robert was standing with a woman in a pencil skirt and blouse along with a sketch pad cradled in her hand. 

"This is who I told you about over the phone," Robert said as I approached them both. "You can go to Roseilin's room if you'd like some privacy?" Robert asked me. Despite the sadness and anger I was harboring, I offered a smile and lead the woman up to my room. 

"What shape was the room?"

"Rectangular. Not deep but wide."

"Where was the light source?"

"Mostly from the window. When you walked in, it was right in front of your face. Sometimes there would be light if they had left the door open."

She looked at me, shocked, "When did they leave the door open?"

"When they had chained me to the wall to be raped."

She swallowed, "Oh. Right." A couple of seconds later, "What color were the chains..."

"Roseilin," Robert called as I was outside at the basketball court a couple of days later with Marissa. I handed her the ball and walked to the house, going to the balcony he was standing at. "We finished with the room. We want to run it by you to make sure it looks like the real thing."

I nodded and walked in front of him into the house and navigated my way to the basement. I saw in the back corner a couple of lighting fixtures and made my way over it it. As I took in the detail of the chipped cement wall, the thick chains, the absence of any bed, and the tiny window made my hands start to shake. 

My eyes darted up to see Marcus standing with the woman I had talked to days earlier. I cleared my throat, not meeting his eyes as I looked. 

"Make the chains a little more...used. They cut into my wrists before. The bottom of the floor was wet. I don't know if you can show that but I'd try. Everything else is good," I said, barely noticing the woman taking down notes and pulling out her phone to text some people. 

I turned to Robert, "When?" 

"When do you want to?" he asked.

"I don't want to. Pick a time and I'll be there," I said, turning and going back up the stairs. 

"Let her go, Marcus. She's already under enough stress...."

I reached the top of the stairs and went to the library to get lost in a book. I had finished all of mine and wanted another. When I got there, I sat down on the couch and got lost in the tales of Bilbo Baggin. I was just past the part where he had met up with the dwarves and they were talking about handkerchiefs when I heard footsteps coming in the room. 

Marcus sat down on the end of the couch. I didn't say a word as I continued to read, though I suddenly found that I couldn't comprehend any of it and kept rereading the same paragraph over and over. 

"You left," Marcus said. 

"I did," I replied simply. 

"She left."

"I'm not her, Marcus," I said, still not looking up from my book to look at him. 

"I loved her."

"I know," was all I said. I thought that maybe the absence of touch, or eyes judging him was what was making him open up a bit more, so I made it a point to stare at my book. 

"You can read faster than that," he said. 

"You can think faster than a couple of days," I remarked at the amount of time had passed between now and the morning of the run. I had been skipping all fighting lessons as well, awake in my room to hear him walk back up the stairs after half an hour. 

"You skipped our lessons," he said. 

"You needed time to think."

"I did think," he said. 


"And I still can't do it."

I closed my book and put my legs under the right side of my ass, looking at him for the first time. His hair was messy, like he had been running his hands through it too much, and the bags under his eyes were more prominent than they were a couple days ago. 


"You know why," he said.

"I need you to tell me why," I replied to him. I leaned on my arm as if this conversation was nonchalant when in reality, all I could think about was the way the last one ended with his lips on mine. 

Marcus leaned into me, placing a kiss on my lips. It was gently, and tender. It was everything, and I had to pull away. 

"That isn't an explanation, Marcus," I said quietly against his lips. 

"I can't give you one," he told me, pained. 

"Yes, you can. And until then, I'll let you think of one," I said, standing up from our spot and walking out and down the hall. I ran into Marissa on the way.

"Marissa," I said quietly. "I need to talk to you."

N/A  Okay so I just reread this chapter and I actually felt how sad Roseilin is. What do you guys think? 

Is she handling the ordeal with Marcus right?

Should she have skipped all of her lessons or is that a but much?

Love you guys :) 

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