Chapter 15 - Rosie

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I gathered my things and ran down to the kitchen, meeting Marissa there.

"Oh, I was just about to come up and get you," she said with a smile.

"No need, I'm right here, aaaaaand I have some good news," I said. I checked the living room to make sure that no one was there, yet I still whispered anyways.

"I got Marcus to agree to teach me fighting lessons." Marissa gave me a huge hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you," she said.

"Hey, we aren't out of the woods yet. There's still a lot of work to do. You don't want to know how he told me, but I'm just going to look at the bright side and call this a win."

The rest of the time we spent making sandwiches Marissa was in the best mood I had ever seen her in. Her long hair bounced around as she hummed songs while putting together sandwiches, sides, and the drinks.

When I said I helped her, she normally only let me cut the tomatoes or get the plates out of the cabinet for her. She did most of the rest herself, and since I wasn't a mind reader and I didn't know what she was going to do next, I could only really do the small things.

After lunch, Marissa and I cleaned up a bit of the house, and we even convinced Robert and Lukas to join us for watching a movie. I was surprised to see that they picked a comedy. Marissa and Robert sat next to each other one one couch, and Lukas sat at the end of the same couch as me, probably because you couldn't see the tv as well from the other couch. 

The entire movie I sat there wondering where Marcus was and what he was up to. Was he still trying to read the book? Was he sitting in his room throwing knives at a picture of me? Was he out fucking some random girl?

I brushed off the last thought and tried to focus on the movie, but it didn't work too well. Marissa was proof after when she and were cleaning up the mess of popcorns the boys had made. 

"You seemed distracted during the move; is everything okay?" she asked, concerned. 

"To be honest, yeah. I was just thinking," I said, deciding to lie. 

"Are you sure?" she asked. I knew she was seeing right through me, but I also didn't want to get into what I was thinking about, so I assured her that everything was okay and I went up to my room for the rest of the day. 

I was excited to begin fighting tomorrow. I had been cooped up for almost a month now, and it was starting to wear on me. I knew I was in a mansion, and the basketball court did wonders, but I had nervous energy that I needed to get out. 

I also knew that we needed to start planning exactly how we were going to stage the Newmans taking me. Thinking about how I was going to get beaten was not something that made me very happy, but I was glad that they were giving me the time in order to heal properly before it. 

I didn't join everyone for dinner, and I felt bad at first, but I knew that I needed to be alone for a bit. I know, hypocritically to what I just said about being cooped up, but this was more I needed time to think rather than space to run. 

The world officially thought I was dead. Though I couldn't go outside, I already knew that my mother was further in her state of not caring about anything or anyone. Hell, she was probably happy that the food bill had gone down since I had disappeared. She was probably angry at me for messing around with her car insurance. Either way, I doubted that she missed me. 

I set my alarm for 4:25AM for the following morning and crawled into bed, even though it was only 7 in the evening. I didn't care, I just wanted this day to be over. If I was really honest with myself, I just wanted to go back to when my dad was around and I didn't know anything about gangs and assholish men.

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