Soon, we're neck-in-neck. His eyes are huge in disbelief and I just grin. I stay on par with him for a long time, at least 2 entire laps. And when we're in our final lap, he begins sprinting, as do I. Again we're neck-in-neck. I grin a small grin call out a goodbye and all out sprint to the finish line; at human pace, which is fast enough to beat him anyway.

Joseph is a sore loser, so I enjoy myself taunting him. Then I call out a goodbye to my fan girls who were swooning on the bleachers and head back to the gym to change. I have a quick shower, change and walk out of the school. Since I didn't take the car, I'd have to walk home. No biggie...except it started raining.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Knowing my luck, I'm shocked a stray bolt of lightning didn't strike me! Once I finally get to the house, I walk inside with my shoes squeaking and my hair sticking to my face. No one seems to be at home. Out hunting I suppose. I dump my bag at the base of the stairs and start rummaging through the fridge for something to eat.

"So, you are the little one that's been causing so much trouble, huh?" a friendly, open voice asks over my shoulder. I whirl around only to come face to face with a beautiful woman; a vampire no doubt. Her eyes are a vivid crimson which makes me worry she's just hunted. She smiles openly and leans against the table watching me.

"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Gianna," she clarifies.

"What did you do to my family?!" I spit at her.

"Easy, pup. I didn't do anything. I'm here to see who the illustrious Henry Black is. I have to say, I don't quite understand the fuss you've caused," she continues as if she's discussing the weather.

"You know me?! How?" I demand, my voice raising.

"I'm with the Volturi, my dear," she states simply.

"No way! It's too soon!" I murmur to myself.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, Henry. I'm here all alone. I just came to check what the big deal is," she continues.

"Tell me, why are the Volturi coming?" I ask, breathless.

"To acquire, of course!" she thrills, laughing. Her voice is gentle and high; a beautiful soprano.

"And what is your ability then?" I ask, hoping to be able to mirror it if I need to.

"I don't have one?" she replies, confused.

"Liar! The Volturi only acquire precious possessions. If you have no ability; you are of no use to them!" I bellow.

"I tire of talking to you. I'll return to Voltera," she says simply. Before she makes a move, I grab on to her wrist.

"You aren't going anywhere, Gianna." I murmur. "Not until the rest of my family gets back."

"Family?" she asks incredulously, laughing shrilly. "You're a pet, Henry. Why would a coven need a wolf?"

"Coven?! We're a family. And I'm not a wolf! I'm part vampire," I spit back at her acidly.

" you are another one of the Cullen's little hybrids. No doubt the hybrids child," she murmurs to herself.

I shake my head and tow her along with me to the backyard. "Carlisle? Edward? Mum? Dad?" I call out. If they are nearby, they will hear me and return shortly.

"Henry?" Carlisle greets, standing a few feet in the shadows of the forest. His eyes are trained on Gianna, still squirming in my grasp.

"Carlisle, guess who I found in the house?" I say, bored. What I wonder though, is how Alice missed this one.

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