1.17/ Kids in the Hall

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You, your siblings, and momma were on your way to school. Everyone is cranky because you all were running late.

"Ugh, I hate being late to school." Mariana sighed.

"Well maybe you shouldn't hog the bathroom." You shot.

"Speak for yourself. It's the same thing everyday with you two. Especially you Mariana!" Jesus said.

"Hey, Callie took longer than me." She said.

"Yeah, okay." Callie said with sarcasm. "And in other news, the laws of space and time no longer apply in the bathroom."

"I don't care who's to blame. From now on the car leaves at seven thirty. Whoever's not in it can walk to school."

"I'm always ready." Jude said.

"I know honey, that's why you're my favorite." Momma told him.

"Hey!" The rest of you said in defense.

"Go!" She said.


"Hey you." You said seeing Dylan waiting for you out front.

"Hey yourself." Dylan said. "So, how was your weekend?"

"Oh, you know. I hung out with this cute boy. Same old same old." You joked. You were referring to Saturday.

After Judes birthday celebration you went to the movies with Dylan. Although all of your siblings were there, you still had a fun time. Especially when you snuck to the back row to make out. Jesus is the only one who knows about that though, only because he caught you...and made you go back to sitting with everyone else....and sat in between the two of you. Other than that you had a great time.

"Yeah, It was fun. I missed hanging out with you." He said. At that, the warning bell rang.

"Walk me to class?" You asked.

"Everyday." Dylan said.

At lunch:

"So, I was wondering.. Do you want have dinner tonight? At my place I mean." Dylan asked.

"Yeah, of course. I mean, I've never met your mom before, or anyone for that matter. But I'd love to." You say.

"Great. Um, speaking of my mom, that's kind of why I asked. She wanted to meet you."

"Wait, what? For how long?" You asked.

"A couple of weeks." He said.

"Dylan! Why didn't you tell me? I haven't even met her and she already has an image of me. She probably thinks I don't want to meet her. Oh my god, what if your mom doesn't like me?" You freaked out.

"It'll be fine, she's gonna love you. How could she not?" He said.

"Maybe because she thinks I've been avoiding meeting her."

After school:

When you got home you quickly talked to your mom's to make sure that you were free to go to Dylans, then you changed your clothes. You put on something nice, but not overwhelmingly nice. Something a step up from casual, but a couple steps below formal.

You had Brandon drop you off. "Hold on, I need to breath for a second." You said.

"Why are you so nervous?" Brandon asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? Dylan's mom already has an image set on who she thinks I am. I think that she thinks I've been avoiding meeting her."

"Prove her wrong." He said.

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