1.10/I Do

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Its been a few weeks since mom came home. After coming home for the first time moms told the family some big news. They were getting married.

You walk over to your closet to find something to wear for the day.

After getting dressed and doing the rest of your morning, "get ready" routine, you head downstairs to see grandma, momma, and Jesus' going through silverware, and different glasses for the wedding

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After getting dressed and doing the rest of your morning, "get ready" routine, you head downstairs to see grandma, momma, and Jesus' going through silverware, and different glasses for the wedding.

"Hey grandma!" You say.

"Oh there's my little y/n. How are you dear?"

"I'm good." You say.

You hear a knock on the door and go to answer it. You opened the door to see Dylan standing there.

"Hey. I hope its alright, I wanted to walk you to school." He said standing there with a smile and his hands gripping onto his front pockets.

"Of course, uh do you want to step in for a second? I have to get my bag." You ask him.

"Yeah, sure." He said following you inside.

You walk past the kitchen and notice them staring in your direction.

"Oh, uh. This is Dylan. You remember Dylan, right?" You said heading to the living room to grab your bag. On your way back you get stopped by your moms asking questions.

"You would tell us if the two of you became an item, right?" Mom asked.

"An item? Who says that? We gotta go, don't wanna be late." You said grabbing Dylan's arm, pulling him towards the door.

"Y/n, aren't you forgetting something?" Momma said.

You walked over to hug each of them. "Its not a big deal, he's walking me to school." You whispered.

"Is he a friend walking you to school, or-" you cut mom off.

"I really have to go. Can we talk about it after school?" You asked.

"Fine, but we want to know everything." Momma said.

"Like I said not that big of a deal, but fine. Okay?"

"Bye." They both said as you walked over to Dylan.

"Bye." You said sarcastically.

After you and Dylan were outside you stopped him. "Sorry about that." You said.

"No problem. But I am curious why you haven't told them about me."

"I've told them about you." You said defensively.

"It didn't seem like it." He said.

"Okay so maybe I didn't tell them about...you know, "us", but I have told them about you." You explained.

Switching to third persons POV. for a moment.

Back at the house:

After Y/n and Dylan walked out of the house, Stef turned to Jesus' to ask him a question.

"Do you know anything about that? Are they, you know, "dating?" She asked.

"Look, I don't know anything. I mean its possible but I'm not for sure." He told his mother.

"Hmm, I guess we'll find out tonight." Stef sighed.

"Dont worry so much, she's a teenager, she's going to start dating. Heck, she might even fall in love." Sharron told Stef.

"Love? Mom she's fourteen." Stef said.

"I was fifteen when I met your father. Got married after highschool, then nine months later-"

"-Yeah, you're not helping mother. Can we change the subject?" Stef said.

"Speaking of your father, is he coming to the wedding? Aren't your dads giving you away?" Sharron asked both stef and lena.

"No, no Lena's dad got ordained, so he could perform the ceremony, so he's out, and dad hasn't responded to the invitation. But I mean come on. Two women walking down the aisle? Really? I mean its kind of silly, don't you think?"

"I don't know if  I would call it silly, but... Its not us, that's true."

"Oh Brandon" Stef said noticing Brandon's cereal bowl he left on the counter. As Stef went to pick it up Sharron stopped her.

"No, no, no, no, I came here early for a reason..to help. Let me help. You don't need to lift a finger." Sharron said.

"Mom, seriously? Its a bowl." Stef complained.

Back to your POV.

You walk up to school and stand outside the building for a while, talking to Dylan.

The five minutes bell rings. "We should get to class." You say.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He said before kissing your cheek.

"See you later..." You say before walking to class.

After school you walk home with Dylan and he stays to hang out for a while.

You head up the stairs to your room when you hear mom call after you.

"Y/n, remember the rules. Door stays open." She says.

"I know." You answer.

"Ugghh, how embarrassing." You thought.

Once in your room you drop your bag and crash on your bed.

"Oh right. You've never been in my room before. Okay, quick tour." You stand up guiding him.

"This is my vanity table. Over here is my dresser, and my closet right next to it." You walk to the other side of the room. "Here is my bing bag and poster of Zac Effron, which I'm starting to regret not taking that down." you both laughed. "And that's my bed."

"Now before I answer any questions you might have, do I need to go over anything, well minus the poster cause that's pretty embarrassing." You giggled.

"No, I think I'm good." He said.

You both sat on your bed. For about an hour and a half, the two of you sat mainly talking, but a little bit of kissing in between.

Dylan's phone buzzed. "I've gotta go, my mom wants me back before dinner."

"Okay, I'll walk you out." You said standing up.

At the door you guys hug goodbye your family was around, and you did not want to kiss him in front of them.

"Bye." You both said before closing the door. You completely forgot about moms wanting to talk to you about Dylan that night, but you did not want to bring that up.

Later that night some lawyers came by to talk to Callie.

You overheard them talking about a guy named Liam, and something about how he forced Callie to have sex with him.

You quickly went back up to your room thinking about what you just heard.

Suddenly your phone rings, but its an unknown user.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Y/n! Y/n, its me. It's Hannah!"

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