Chapter 44

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Everett took my hand then and pulled me to the side. "What happened?"

"You seriously don't remember?" I asked. "You were going to kill him."

He hugged me then. "Then why are you crying?"

"Let's go home." I said, wiping my face. "Just forget about it."

So we left and Chance didn't follow.


Back at Everett's house I cuddled closer to him. "Everett you'd kill for me?"

"Of course." He mumbled. "Why?"

"I just don't want you to kill unnesarily. Even though he's not the real leader he's still someone's leader. People would storm here if you killed him."

"My hopes are to give you a few vengeful children before then." He kissed my neck gently. "And that you wouldn't let me die in vain."

"Don't talk like that. You die, I die." I said.

"Then I'd better get started." He said and bit down.

I moaned. "Everett please."

He pushed me onto my back on the couch, shushing me.

He placed his body between my legs, undressing me slowly.

I relished the feeling of his tounge on my princess parts, shaking.

He stopped after a while, just staring at me.

I stroked his face, bringing him closer and kissing him before he penetrated me.

When we were done he played with my hair, letting out a deep breath. "Quinn?"

"Everret." I said.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked.

I sat up. "Everett-"

"Please don't lie to me."

"Why do you think I have something to tell you?" I asked.

"Because you got defensive when I asked." He said.

"Everett I-" I hesitated. "I couldn't watch you hurt someone. I couldn't watch you kill him."

"Quinn. This is war, people are going to hurt." He said and I got up.

"But everytime I see you look at someone like that I see the way you look at me." I said, throwing him his pants. "I just can't believe that they're the same person."

"Quinn." He got up. "I can't promise you that I won't hurt people. I wouldn't lie to you. But you can promise me something."

"What?" I asked, slipping on my shirt.

"Next time. Close your eyes." He said. He closed my eyes. "Think of our future."

I felt his hands caress my stomach and I grabbed his hands.

"Let's spend the night together." I said. "Let's do something together."

"How about you pick out a movie and I'll go make some late night snacks?" He asked and pecked my nose.

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