Chapter 6

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A/N I have no idea why Chapter 2 appears twice in this book but it won't let me fix it so please just vote if you don't want to read the whole chapter again. Appreciate it.


"Mom?" I called out. "Dad?"

My sister, Lavender, came around the corner.

She waved politely and grabbed my hand.

She pulled me towards the back of the house, into my parents bedroom.

"Hello Everett. What a surprise!" My Mother said.

"You knew I was coming today." I said, kissing her cheek and then hugging my Dad.

"Will you stay for lunch? It's been a while since you last visited us." She asked.

"It's been a while since your sister visited either." My Dad grumbled.

"She's busy. She'll find her way home." My Mom comforted him. "It amazes me that someone in his late forties can still be such a big baby."

My Dad picked her up, spinning her around. "I told you not to call me that."

"You can't tell me what to do." She laughed.

Lavender, who had been standing at the door, had found a dry erase board and was scribbling out a message.

When she was done she held it up so I could see it.

Sometimes I'm glad I can't hear them.

I laughed. "Mom?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" She asked, struggling to get away from my Father.

"The cake?" I said.

"Oh right." She said. "You let go of me right this instant Lucas Chambers."

He released her and she marched past me.

"Bye Dad." I said.

"Bye Son. Come back soon. You know she worries about you." He said.

"I know." I said, grabbing Lavender's hand and pulling her with me.

She stopped in front of her room to write again.

Take care of yourself.

I nodded and she started writing again.

I'm serious. Bye.

I gave her a hug and she walked into her room, shutting the door.

"Here you are." My Mom said when I walked into the room. "Your Aunt Bethany's favorite chocolate cake."

I took the cake-filled Tupperware from her. "She said she's sorry about missing dinner."

She dismissed my aunt's words. "Tell her it's ok. Working with children is never easy. Especially at college age."

I nodded and she kissed my cheek, placing a paper bag on top of the Tupperware. "I made you a lunch. Tuna sandwiches."

"Thanks Mom." I said.

She smiled. "You're welcome. Now go. She only has so much free time."

I laughed, walking out the door and toward my truck.

I sat on everything on the passenger seat and drove the excruciating two hours to Elmhurst college.

When I walked in classes were in session so the hallways were relatively empty.

Most people were either in class or studying in the courtyard at this time of day so I was surprised to hear someone quietly whimpering.

I followed the sounds down the hallway and not too far from my Aunt's office some guy was laying on the ground with a puddle of vomit surrounding his head.

I walked up to him, sitting the food a safe distance away. "Are you ok?"

"My arm." He said, holding it up.

I flinched.

The arm was broken and twisted in the wrong direction.


I looked at the lockers he was laying in front of and they were dented in.

The same kind of dent you'd make in a wall from throwing a chair at it but four times bigger.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I can't."

He started shaking and hyperventilating.

"Hey calm down. I won't force you but we have to get you some serious medical help." I said.

All at once his breathing and shaking stopped.

His body slumped and his eyes closed.

Just great.

He passed out.

I stood up, grabbing the food, and made a dash for my Aunt's office.



"Quinn how are we ever going to make friends here if you don't lighten up." Violet complained. "You could've killed the guy and all he did was make a few pervy jokes."

I stopped and turned around to face her. "He wanted me. I could see it in his eyes."

"So?" She said.

I pulled her aside. "Do you know how close it is to the festival?"

"Quinn that's two weeks away!" She said.

Festival is just a night that the four most powerful packs get together.

A night where all the unmated wolves choose their mates among the others.

It only happens every four years and only adults are allowed to attend.

Well, required to attend.

Which is why this year will be my first year going.

All mates, wether they're human or not, are attracted to each other.

Or given a second chance.

I don't want to meet my mate smelling like some other guy.

Not that he could smell me.

He'd just be guided to me.

"Quinn scents disappear." She said, shaking me.

"Still." I said. "I'll choose my own friends."

She looked at me like I had gone crazy. "You're bipolar. I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's just from you waking me up without reason. I'm better now." I smiled. "Now, is this an all human school?"

"It's mixed." She answered.

"Good. Now let's go make some friends." I said, grabbing her hand.

'Leia?' I asked.

'I smelled it child. Take the next right.' She said.

"Come on Violet." I said, pulling her where Leia had directed me.


I'm actually getting through these updates fast. By next week we'll be on Chapter 20 hopefully.

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