Chapter 23

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"It's not safe to have the baby here." River said lowly.

"The doctor's from the SEU. She sent for all the right people." I said, putting a mask over my face."Ready?"

"Not at all." River said through his own mask.

The doctor was already there and she gave River a nod. "Alpha."

Though River isn't the pronounced Alpha he is the rightful Alpha and there are some who remain loyal to him.

"River!" Violet cried when she saw us.

River went quickly to her side. "Hey Love."

She hugged him. "It hurts."

"I know but the people here are going to get you through it." He said.

"One thing's for sure. This baby is gonna be adorable." I said. "It has to be with all that mushiness."

They both laughed and Violet flinched. "How long have I been here?"

"Twenty minutes and counting." The doctor said. "Now I want you to relax. This'll all be over shortly."

River went to stand next to her as nurses began to arrive.

Violet grabbed my hand.

"I can't believe this." I said. "My best friend, who ate grass for a week because she couldn't have ice cream, is having a baby."

"Yep." She said proudly. "I hope it's a girl."

"Why?" I asked.

"River said if its a girl I can name her Samantha." She said.

"That's cute." I said.

"I know right." She gripped my hand harder.

"You ready to be a mom?" I asked.

"Nope." She laughed.

"Funny." I said. "That's the same thing River said."


I paced back and forth busily until the doors finally burst open.

"Where is he or she?" I asked River. "I want to see!"

"She's getting dressed then we're going home." River said.

"I don't give a damn. Move!" I charged past him. "V?"

Violet pulled her shirt over her head. "Nice to see you up and at it again. Your head ok?"

"I didn't pass out on purpose. But I now understand why they block everything from your view." I said. "Where are they?"

"Samantha." Violet wiggled her eyebrows smugly. "Is over there."

I ran up to her.

"Oh my goddess! She's adorable!" I squeled.

"Yay!" Violet jumped up and down.

She has River's curls and Violet's perfect eyelashes.

She has sun-kissed skin and Violet's birthmark on her ankle.

"Oh V. She's beautiful." I said. "Did you get to hold her?"

"Of course." She said, picking her up.

Samantha opened her eyes.

"She has my Mom's eyes." Violet said.

Her eyes were a warm golden brown.

"I'm not surprised. She's got Alpha blood in her."

She blinked twice and reached for me.

"Wanna hold her?" Violet asked.

"No thank you." I said.

"Suit yourself." She said, rocking her.

She sneezed and her button nose turned into a snout.

"Aww." Violet and I said at the same time.

She giggled and grew a tail.

"That's what we'll call her wolf." Violet said. "Honey."

"So cute." I said.

River walked in. "Ready to go?"

"Look!" I pointed at her hands.

They started getting more stubby and her nails started to grow.

"I almost missed her first shift?" River came to stand beside us.

She clapped her paws, laughing. "Dada."

Wolves evolve quickly. Even more quickly when they have Alpha blood running through their veins.

"I'll pay you when we get home." Violet said.

"No need. My prices have changed." River said."

"No. You said five dollars." Violet argued.

"I don't want money anymore." He said. "But we'll discuss that later."

I rolled my eyes. "You bet on a baby?"

"We bet whose name she would call first." River responded.

"Whatever." I said. "Let's go."

Samantha laughed but it was more like a yip and Honey colored fur started growing all over her body.

Her eyes became a startling mix between gold and brown, making them look warm and cozy.

Her wolf yawned a tiny baby yawn and barked again, her little tail wagging to and fro.

I was just about ready to explode.

She looked like a tiny puppy.

Cuteness overload.

"Aww." Violet and I said again.

River grabbed both of our shoulders and steered us out the door.

Violet rubbed her tummy. "Hey Honey!"

When we got home Violet and River's families were waiting.

Samantha greeted them all, happily licking every face she saw.

When River suggested that we all go around back to let the little ones run around I declined. "I'd really rather not."

In the middle of Violet begging me to come I got a phone call. She scoffed as I answered and ran off.

"Can I see you now?" Everett said.

"At least buy me dinner first." I said.

"Of course." He said. "I ordered Chinese. So ten minutes?"

"I'll be there in five." I smiled.



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