Chapter 35

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"Now I see."

I sipped my drink as she processed all I had just told her.

"Alpha Grayson left the Beta in charge about two week ago and hasn't been back since." She said. "Not really."

"I don't know why he won't just leave me alone." I said.

"Poor baby." She said. "Should I tell your father?"

"Not now. But you can meet him." I said. "When it's safe."

She nodded. "I should probably be getting home. Your father must be worried sick."

"Right." I said. "Did you need a ride?"

"No. I'll manage." She said. "And I'd like to have a word or two with Chance before I go."

She kissed my cheek. "Come visit soon."

I smiled and I got up to get the door for her, closing it behind her.


~the next day~

So he can't get in at all?" River asked.

"I don't know." I said. "I guess so."

Chance had slept off the side of the house and still managed to look decent and in order. Now he stood opposite us, glaring.

"If you two are done now, can we go?" Violet called, strapping Samantha into her car seat.

Somehow she had convinced River to let us skip. We were going out for the day.

"I'll find a way past this barrier and when I do-"

"He's alot less threatening when there's nothing he can do." I laughed.

"I can't say I ever found him threatening to begin with." River said.

Chance continued cursing but he didn't attempt to come closer.

I high fived River and we turned to go to the car.

I climbed into the backseat. "Where to first?"

River looked at Violet who motioned for us to wait. "There's an outlet about thirty minutes from here."

"That should be fun." I said and my phone vibrated.

is he still stalking you?

Yeah. it's weird really. But now that somebody's watching him he can't get anywhere near me.

Why not get a restraining order?

It's not that simple. Everett I'm having second thoughts.

About what? Us?

No. This whole revolting thing. You're talking about taking down a reign that's lasted generations and someone might get hurt. How would we even do that?

I don't know.

All this sneaking around and you don't know?

I do know that there's something between the two of you that's preventing you from telling me the truth.

The truth is there's nothing between us. It was one night.

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