Chapter 30

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Soon after Chance had gone I got in the shower, needing to wash away his dirt.

But as I cleaned myself, I cried.

Now I can't see him again and risk Chance seeing Everett.

It wouldn't be safe for him or for me.

I put on my pajamas and Violet met me in my room.

I sat down next to her and leaned on her shoulder. "Why only me?"

"It'll be ok." She said.

"Not this time." I shook my head. "I screwed up. It's all over now. I'll never see him again."

"Not true." Violet said.

"With Chance watching my every move now?" I asked. "He's literally waiting for me to move and see who I've been sleeping with. If he sees Everett he'll have every reason to kill him."

She hugged me then, shushing me. "I know it's not fair. I know. But it'll turn out in the end. You know how I know?"

I shook my head.

"We did find him, didn't we?" She asked. "Right after I said we would, right?"

"Yeah." I said.

"That means that somehow you two will be together. No matter what." She shook me, so get it together. "No more fairytales."

I nodded and River appeared in the doorway. "I hate to break up such a sentimental moment, really, but you two have visitor."

I looked at Violet, who went to the window. "Oh that's Ethan and Amber."

She pulled me towards the door. "They came to pick us up."

"For why?" I said.

"Fashion shows tonight, remember?"

I completely forgot.

"I'm a mess." I said.

"Its ok. Amber's going to fix us up." Violet said and grabbed her purse. She kissed River. "Bye."

He waved. "Bye."

We met Ethan and Amber at the door.

Ethan's jaw dropped when he saw me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I said. "Is there anyway I can still model but not be onstage?"

"You could wear your dress to the show and the after party I guess." Amber said. "But actually walk around so you're not wasting time."

I nodded and we got into their car.

"Quinn now that I think about it." Violet said. "Why don't you ever drive your car?"

I shrugged. "Nowhere to go and River never gave me the keys."

"I'll talk to him about it." She said.

I didn't care either way. After tonight the only place I'll be going is to school.

I'd have to break up with him, cut him off.

But that would mean both of us could die. If one of us dies the other will die from a broken heart regardless.

There's no other way though.

'I resent him. Our mate will kill him.' Leia said.

'Everett's human. How?'

'I can sense it. The false Alpha will be dead before the next full moon.' She said. 'His brother will finally sit rightfully on the throne, and we will be free to be with him.'

'How do you know?' I asked.

'He told me.' She said.





"Something's happened." She whispered. "Something's not right."


"I'm afraid we haven't been very careful." She said. "He knows."

"Can you do something?" I asked.

"I cannot interact with some of my children. Their dark aura will sicken my realm." She said. "So I must send you."

"How will I know when to act?" I asked.

"You have your gift. When you can control it, you can confront him." She said. "But what type of leader would I be to send my knight into battle without armor?"

"Why me?" I asked.

"Simply because I make it so. I gave you each other." She said. "When one of my children is born I pair them with someone who's traits counter their flaws. They fit together perfectly."

"So a soulmate?"

"Yes." She said. "And Quinn is yours. You will have her because I say so."

"Why can't you stop him?"

"I can't physically stop him. I'm not a physical being outside of dreams and visions." She explained.

"Are you an Angel?" I asked.

"No. Angels are creatures of either pure light or pure darkness." She said. "We, altogether, are both."

"What are you then?" I asked.

"If I tell you, you won't remember." She said. "So why bother? Time to go."

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked.

"I will visit you once more before the war is won." She said. "After that, the next time you'll see me you'll be dead."


Wednesday's update a day late. Sorry but I took a break from typing or writing due to taking obsessive notes. But I'm all better now. See you Saturday!

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