Chapter 28

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I woke up with a pounding headache and laughed to myself.

I had actually gotten a hangover from human liquor.

A run would clear it up.

I felt beside me only to be met with empty space. I sat up and heard movement at the other end of the house.

I flipped off the covers, going to stand up and falling back in pain.

What happened last night?

The door creaked open and Everett came in. "Look who's awake."

"I'm sore." I said.

"I would've been surprised if you weren't." He said, sitting a plate on the side table and handing me a glass of water.

"What happened last night?" I asked, sipping lightly.

"A lot." He said. "So when we have sex you don't say my name to tease me?"

I choked on my water. My throat was sore. "Who told you that?"

"You did." He said. "You also told Ben that we saved the leash for the bedroom."

"Oh my gosh." I said, hiding my face. "What else did I say?"

"You called me Daddy and I didn't even have to ask." He laughed and came closer.

I rolled over, embarrassed. "I can't believe I made a complete fool out of myself."

He picked me up, bridal style, carrying me into the bathroom. "I ran you a bath."

"Aww. Thanks." I said, kissing the base of his neck.

He cleared his throat, slowly sitting me in the water. "Relax."

I let the warm water soothe me. "Thank you."

He left me alone. "No problem."

I took a deep breath, letting the steam clear my mind.

'Forget a run.' Leia said. 'This is so much better.'

I washed up and reluctantly got out of the tub, going to find Everett.

He was fast asleep when I walked into the bedroom.

My clothes were nowhere to be found but a shirt was laid out for me.

I pulled it over my head and he stirred in his sleep.

He sat up and looked at me and I took a step back.

His eyes.

Those eyes.

I blinked and opened my eyes to his confused face. "You alright?"

Now his eyes were normal.

Am I seeing things?

I pinched myself on both arms, hissing in pain.

"Quinn calm down." He said, getting up to stop me from pinching myself harder. "What's the matter?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just thought of something."

He rubbed his head, walking out of the room.

I found him dozing off on the couch. "Everett?"

I climbed onto his lap, straddling him and he relaxed.

"Quinn. I can't imagine why but after I first met you I couldn't sleep properly without you." He said. "Maybe even before then."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept you up last night." I said. "But just out of curiosity, how many rounds did we go last night?"

"Six." He muttered. "If you count the blowjobs."

"Oh! Did I hurt you?" I asked.

"Did you even look in the mirror this morning? You're asking me if I'm hurt?" He said.

He got up, pulling me up with him and we rushed to the bathroom.

He turned on the light and I gasped.

There were bruises on my throat and my hair was all over the place.

I unbuttoned the shirt, noticing hickeys trailing down my body.

I took the shirt off and turned around. My back dimples were bruised.

"I'm sorry. I guess things did get out of hand." Everett said. "But let's not forget..."

He turned around, exposing a bunch of scratches that looked red against his tanned skin.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you." I said, tracing each scar.

He spun around and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. "It's alright. If anything it's sexy."

I laughed. "Liar."

"I'm serious." He said, then he lined his fingers up with the bruises on my neck. "These are my favorite."

Then he turned me around, pulling my waist against his, putting his thumbs in my back dimples. "These are my second favorite."

I sighed. "What time is it?"

"Nine thirty." He said.

"Everett!" I turned around. "I was supposed to be gone ages ago. If I hurry maybe I can make it to the second half of my class."

I walked past him, looking for my clothes.

"Stay." He said.

"You know I can't." I said.

My clothes were laid out on the counter.

"Why?" He said.

"I can't tell you that." I said, taking the shirt off.

"Then I can't let you leave." He said.

"Everett don't start." I said, pulling my dress over my head.

"Quinn I'm sick of having to be without you and not knowing why." He said. "So leave now and you'll never come back or stay and talk to me."

"That is not fair." I stopped.

"Neither is this!" He said. "You disappear every morning and the only times we see each other are at night. Somethings going on."

"Nothing is going on." I said. "I just can't."

"Can't what? Be honest with me?" He asked.

"No! I can't put you in danger!"

I started to cry for some reason. I was just hurting and crying seemed like the only way to fix it.

"Shit. Come here." He pulled me into his arms and patted my hair. "I'm sorry. I won't ask anymore if you really can't tell me."

I took a deep breath, inhaling his fresh scent.



"Please. Stay."


*Mic drop* If I can I'll try to write another one for today.

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