Chapter 21

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I sighed heavily, pulling my hair into a messy ponytail.

I've hardly known him for two days and I've already fucked him twice.

I heard the shower turn off.

I had told him I'd make something to drink while he was in the shower, then we'd talk.

He had unknowingly agreed.

What I am about to do isn't sitting right though.

I crushed two Nyquils and mixed the residue into the tea.

I felt like crying and Leia wasn't speaking to me. But we both know we have to do something.

If we expose the nature of our world to Everett not only would it become a world without him but Chance would decide our punishment.

We could lose him.

I stopped stirring and set the spoon aside quietly as he walked in and took a seat at the table.

I picked up the two mugs and put on my best fake smile. "I made sweet tea."

I sat a mug in front of him and sat down. "So?"

He took a long sip and asked. "Who are you exactly?"

"What do you mean?" I asked watching him down the Tea.

"My Aunt tells me you're new to Elmhurst. Said you showed up looking for me and have been here ever since." He said. "Why did you come here?"

"To attend college. I came for my education." I said truthfully.

I hadn't exactly anticipated finding him here.

"Why were trying do hard to get away from me today?" He asked.

I choked on my tea, coughing lightly. "I wasn't trying to get away from you. I was in a rush."

"To do what?" He said.

"I had just remembered that Violet had an appointment today."  I said.

"The pregnant girl?" He asked.

"Yeah." I sipped again.

"Hmm." He said, nodding sleepily. "Leave your number before you disappear again."

"You knew?" I asked.

"I know when something's up." He yawned.

"It's nothing personal." I said as his eyes closed slowly. "Just a precaution."

"Sure." He said, his words slurred and he laid his head on the table.

I got up slowly and he snored lightly.

'He'll be out for a few hours. Let's move him.' Leia said.

I washed out the cups and we moved him onto the living room couch.

'What are you doing?' Leia asked. 'We really ought to be leaving.'

I walked back to his bedroom, stumbling in the doorway.

"Of course." I said to myself, picking up my heels.

I picked up a pen off the dresser and went back to the living room.

I wrote my number on his arm and locked the front door before leaving.

When I got home Violet was once again waiting for me.

"So?" She asked.

"What now?" I asked.

"Oh come on Quinn." She said, rubbing her stomach. "We want details."

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