Chapter 7

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'Leia?' I asked. 'Where now?'

'I can't sense him anymore but a scent similar to his is getting closer. Another human.' She replied. 'A child perhaps?'

Is it even possible to have children with someone other than your mate?

'Stop.' Leia demanded.

I stopped and almost collided with the next person that came around the corner.

A short woman with tall, curly, brown hair looked up at me. "Oh I'm sorry dear. Do you need any help?"

'A child huh?' I asked Leia.

'She's the size of the average fourth grader. You can't blame me.' Leia said.

"No, I was actually looking for someone." I told her.

"Does this someone have a name? Maybe I could help you find them." She said, smiling.

"His name is Everett." I told her.

She laughed. "You must mean my nephew. He was here just a few minutes ago."

"Does he go to this school?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Im afraid he graduated two years ago." She said.

'Damn.' Leia said.

"He does visit sometimes." She said. "I'll let you know the next time he stops by."

"Thank you." I said, walking around her.

"Quinn. There you are." Violet came running up beside me. "I've been looking for you everywhere. That was real mean of you to run off like that."

"I told you that I had somewhere to be." I said.

Violet had argued that I was just trying to drag her away from all the people.

So I walked off, leaving my scent on whatever I could touch and following my mate's scent.

I knew she'd find me eventually.

"You're mean." She said. "But you're still my best friend. Let's go get milkshakes."

I smiled as we walked. "You were right about one thing though. He was here."

"Good. So when can I meet him?" She asked, getting into the driver's side of the car.

"After I meet him." I said.

"You haven't met him yet?" She asked.

"No." I told her. "But his scent is amazing."

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. He's always either too far away or it's smothered by something."

"Well if you don't meet him before before festival at least you can rub it in Chance's face when he catches you both together." She said.

"It's the one night I'm allowed to have a human mate." I said. "After that he'll kill him."

"Poor you." Violet said.

Her phone and she answered it immediately. "Hi River."

"Hey. What did you do today?"

"Met a few new people." She responded.

There was a pause. "Were any of these people male?"

"Uh." She said. "I'll call you back later."

"Vio-" His voice was cut off as she hung up the phone.

"He's gonna be so mad at me." She whined.

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